Last night as I lay dreaming of pleasant days gone by 昨夜梦回那逝去的快乐时光 My mind being bent on rambling to Ireland I did fly 我的心绪在遥远的爱尔兰恣意徜徉 I stepped on board a vision and I followed with the wind 我迈步去追寻那景象伴随着急切的渴望 And I shortly came to anchor at the cross of Spancill Hill 直到停泊在史班赛山小镇的海港
It being the 23rd June the day before the fair 已经是六月二十三日 明天集市就要开场 When Ireland's sons and daughters in crowds assembled there 爱尔兰的子女,朋友在这里欢聚一堂 The young and the old, the brave and the bold their journey to fulfill 无论年老年少,勇敢还是卤莽 There were jovial conversations at the fair of Spancill Hill 在地区的教堂里 史班赛山小镇旁
I went to see my neighbors to hear what they might say 穿过童年时的小路,我把曾经的邻居探望 The old ones were all dead and gone and the young one's turning grey 老人全都离去死亡 年轻的人们正在衰老 I met with the tailor Quigley, he's a bold as ever still 我遇见裁缝Quigley 他的卤莽一如既往 Sure he used to make my britches when I lived in Spancill Hill 在史班赛山生活的日子里,是他为我缝制裤子和衣裳
I paid a flying visit to my first and only love 想到那初恋爱人啊 我飞奔到她家门口 She's as white as any lily and as gentle as a dove 她如百合花般纯洁 像白鸽一样温柔 She threw her arms around me saying "Johnny I love you still 她的双臂环绕在我肩头 ”哦,johnny,我依然爱你.”她说 " Oh she's Ned the farmers daughter and the flower of Spancill HiII 她是农场主奈德的女儿 她是史班赛山的骄傲
I dreamt I held and kissed her as in the days of yore 我梦见我单膝跪地 亲吻她如同往昔 She said, "Johnny you're only joking like many's the time before" 她说“啊Johnny你不过是在玩笑,重复当年耍过的把戏” The cock he crew in the morning he crew both loud and shrill 公鸡在清晨开始鸣叫 那叫声响亮而凄厉 And I awoke in California, many miles from Spancill Hill. 我从加利福尼亚的床上惊醒,与史班赛山远隔数千英里
Last night as I lay dreaming of pleasant days gone by 昨夜梦回那逝去的快乐时光 My mind being bent on rambling to Ireland I did fly 我的心绪在遥远的爱尔兰恣意徜徉 I stepped on board a vision and I followed with the wind 我迈步去追寻那景象伴随着急切的渴望 And I shortly came to anchor at the cross of Spancill Hill 直到停泊在史班赛山小镇的海港
It being the 23rd June the day before the fair 已经是六月二十三日 明天集市就要开场 When Ireland's sons and daughters in crowds assembled there 爱尔兰的子女,朋友在这里欢聚一堂 The young and the old, the brave and the bold their journey to fulfill 无论年老年少,勇敢还是卤莽 There were jovial conversations at the fair of Spancill Hill 在地区的教堂里 史班赛山小镇旁
I went to see my neighbors to hear what they might say 穿过童年时的小路,我把曾经的邻居探望 The old ones were all dead and gone and the young one's turning grey 老人全都离去死亡 年轻的人们正在衰老 I met with the tailor Quigley, he's a bold as ever still 我遇见裁缝Quigley 他的卤莽一如既往 Sure he used to make my britches when I lived in Spancill Hill 在史班赛山生活的日子里,是他为我缝制裤子和衣裳
I paid a flying visit to my first and only love 想到那初恋爱人啊 我飞奔到她家门口 She's as white as any lily and as gentle as a dove 她如百合花般纯洁 像白鸽一样温柔 She threw her arms around me saying "Johnny I love you still 她的双臂环绕在我肩头 ”哦,johnny,我依然爱你.”她说 " Oh she's Ned the farmers daughter and the flower of Spancill HiII 她是农场主奈德的女儿 她是史班赛山的骄傲
I dreamt I held and kissed her as in the days of yore 我梦见我单膝跪地 亲吻她如同往昔 She said, "Johnny you're only joking like many's the time before" 她说“啊Johnny你不过是在玩笑,重复当年耍过的把戏” The cock he crew in the morning he crew both loud and shrill 公鸡在清晨开始鸣叫 那叫声响亮而凄厉 And I awoke in California, many miles from Spancill Hill. 我从加利福尼亚的床上惊醒,与史班赛山远隔数千英里