A brooch upon his ample chest Bedecked in simple splendour Glistening fear upon his brow His mouth as dry as bone Sharpened sword his father bore Strapped to his side so proud Virgin blood enters the fray onward to fatal embrace And with a sound like the heavens bursting asunder Shield upon shield Blade upon blade Flash of spear Lifeblood flowing And in the midst of it all Pungent stench of fear With veins afire I will kill With veins afire I will maim With veins afire I exalt in the letting of blood With veins afire I revel in the crimson spray The heart knows how it feels to beat wings like a bee Darkening mists which make it much clearer to see Nothing can halt the dance while he is in motion To overcome tastes to him sweeter than any potion Glistening scarlet globules leaving tralls upon the air Savage and unyielding, maim and overcome Grisly sense of satisfaction, my dark side reigns
A brooch upon his ample chest Bedecked in simple splendour Glistening fear upon his brow His mouth as dry as bone Sharpened sword his father bore Strapped to his side so proud Virgin blood enters the fray onward to fatal embrace And with a sound like the heavens bursting asunder Shield upon shield Blade upon blade Flash of spear Lifeblood flowing And in the midst of it all Pungent stench of fear With veins afire I will kill With veins afire I will maim With veins afire I exalt in the letting of blood With veins afire I revel in the crimson spray The heart knows how it feels to beat wings like a bee Darkening mists which make it much clearer to see Nothing can halt the dance while he is in motion To overcome tastes to him sweeter than any potion Glistening scarlet globules leaving tralls upon the air Savage and unyielding, maim and overcome Grisly sense of satisfaction, my dark side reigns