To the end CarelessConfrontations Why beginYou want this? Come onProrated ProlongedProphicized and picked clean Overstated OverblownOver and done Consecrated ConsumedConsider all the other times SituationSuccumb Separates some We are the pin hole From which this river flows A cursed shade of crimson Spilt on distant shores Hand slighted card from view When all's been sighted i'm through On the table is where we lay Our truths and what we'd rather not say
To the end CarelessConfrontations Why beginYou want this? Come onProrated ProlongedProphicized and picked clean Overstated OverblownOver and done Consecrated ConsumedConsider all the other times SituationSuccumb Separates some We are the pin hole From which this river flows A cursed shade of crimson Spilt on distant shores Hand slighted card from view When all's been sighted i'm through On the table is where we lay Our truths and what we'd rather not say