This could not happen again Twice in a year is too much! Heavy are you on my mind Twice in a flesh it ain’t enough! Chorus: Honey, while you were ashing in your coffin I was thinking about telling me what you’ve done to me! Honey, pretending like it never happened Pull you right by at me, put you back together! Riding just to save my life You stress barely to cross each line What goes, crawl inside my guitar Don’t move, stay right where you are! I don’t need to look! I’d know that voice anywhere Everything hurts but it’s fine (it’s fine) It happens all the time Oh, it happens all the time Heavier you’re on my mind Heavier you’re on my mind! Chorus: Honey, while you were ashing in your coffin I was thinking about telling me what you’ve done to me! Honey, pretending like it never happened Pull you right by at me, put you back together! Maybe some other time then, I’ll come back again! Maybe some other time then, I’ll come back again! Chorus: (x3) Honey, while you were ashing in your coffin I was thinking about telling me what you’ve done to me! Honey, pretending like it never happened Pull you right by at me, put you back together!
This could not happen again Twice in a year is too much! Heavy are you on my mind Twice in a flesh it ain’t enough! Chorus: Honey, while you were ashing in your coffin I was thinking about telling me what you’ve done to me! Honey, pretending like it never happened Pull you right by at me, put you back together! Riding just to save my life You stress barely to cross each line What goes, crawl inside my guitar Don’t move, stay right where you are! I don’t need to look! I’d know that voice anywhere Everything hurts but it’s fine (it’s fine) It happens all the time Oh, it happens all the time Heavier you’re on my mind Heavier you’re on my mind! Chorus: Honey, while you were ashing in your coffin I was thinking about telling me what you’ve done to me! Honey, pretending like it never happened Pull you right by at me, put you back together! Maybe some other time then, I’ll come back again! Maybe some other time then, I’ll come back again! Chorus: (x3) Honey, while you were ashing in your coffin I was thinking about telling me what you’ve done to me! Honey, pretending like it never happened Pull you right by at me, put you back together!