1Bouncing off Clouds (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
2Little Earthquakes (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
3Juarez (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
4Upside Down (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
5Beauty of Speed (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
6Girl Disappearing (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
7Professional Widow (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
8Big Wheel (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
9Sugar (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
10A Sorta Fairytale (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
11Cornflake Girl (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
12improv/matty what did you have for dinner? (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
13Your Cloud (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
14Take to the Sky (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
15Cloud on my Tongue (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
16here. in my head (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
17Virginia (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
18Concertina (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
19Code Red (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
20Precious Things (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
21Taxi Ride (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
22Hey Jupiter (Live In Buffalo 10/24/07)
The Music of Tori and the Muses
Little Earthquakes
Cornflake Girl
Under the Pink
1S’Magic Day
2Rain Brings Change
3Spike’s Lament
4Mermaid Muse Speaks
5Anna’s Bakery
6Insect Ballet
7Building a Mountain
8Day and Night (from the Faerie Workshop)