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  • 作词 : Akshen, Lil J, Willie D
    Yo Bushwick, whaddya do when m'*************as underestimate your size man?
    First of all I laugh
    (Then what?)
    Smash their ass like a goddamn carcrash
    So if you wanna try your luck
    C'mon...play *************'n'get ******
    Ass-hole snicker and get beat
    Your a bad mother****** if you dare to compete
    Cause Diana Ross be comin' at your ass fool
    And have you singing the blues
    To all now bicker and I'll pound
    Let's go around
    Imma take ya, shake ya
    Then brake ya down
    And if you kick Imma pick up a stick
    And beat your ass to the size of your *************
    And that's small
    And you think you're mackin' when you're lackin?
    Bushwick is packin!
    I'll show your girl how a real man feels
    Large things come in very small packages
    And while your gettin' on your knees to *************
    A ************* like me's still standin' up
    Any ************* will tell you:
    As long as he got a big *************, size ain't *************t
    Liftin weights'll make you bigger
    But lift me you be a dead-ass *************
    You wanna squabble coz ya think you're tougher?
    (Automatic unloading) Swallow that mother******!
    Those are called bullets, they got 'em in every state
    To keep *************z like you in place
    And since I'm a trigga happy *************
    Look for your place to be in a
    Cemetary, you goddamn sucka
    Lying next to another bad mother*************a
    Reputation ain't *************t coz see:
    Once you done dead in the past don't excite me
    You can't have it...na-na-na-na-na!
    Any mother****** wanna get with Bushwick?
    Bring it on 'cause your size ain't *************t!
    I been a stupid-ass mother****** ever since
    I been a stupid-ass mother****** ever since
    I been a stupid-ass mother****** ever since
    The penitentiary became my residence
    It wasn't nothin' for me to disfigure
    You little nickle-and-dime-assed *************z
    Shank a mother****** in a minute
    And I knew my Mexican holmes'd be wit'it
    I don't give a ************* about a pardon
    The *************t I was startin', nor a goddamn warden
    Take a mother****** like you
    And without remorse this is what I'll do:
    Punk you down and make you be my *************
    Then make you *************t on this *************...for 1 cigarette!!
    It ain't any harder then my ************* when you talkin' *************t
    Carry on mother****** 'cause your size ain't *************t
    Some stupid mother****** said he had an advantage
    ************* my size, you wanna do damage?
    Contestant #1 c'mon down!
    You're the next mother****** Imma clown
    So don't get excited like your bid is fair
    Cause you ain't winnin' *************t but a root c*************
    When I throw a mother******' right cross
    And bust you down your goddamn mouth
    Now where's the height comin' from?
    Don't make me use this goddamn gun
    Cause I'll give your ass hell then charge ya rent
    ************* you up like a goddamn accident
    Innocent is how I look
    But a ************* this size ain't supposed to cook
    You took me for a sucker that day...
    Now ************* you find out the hard way:
    Size ain't *************t!!
  • 作词 : Akshen, Lil J, Willie D
    Yo Bushwick, whaddya do when m'*************as underestimate your size man?
    First of all I laugh
    (Then what?)
    Smash their ass like a goddamn carcrash
    So if you wanna try your luck
    C'mon...play *************'n'get ******
    Ass-hole snicker and get beat
    Your a bad mother****** if you dare to compete
    Cause Diana Ross be comin' at your ass fool
    And have you singing the blues
    To all now bicker and I'll pound
    Let's go around
    Imma take ya, shake ya
    Then brake ya down
    And if you kick Imma pick up a stick
    And beat your ass to the size of your *************
    And that's small
    And you think you're mackin' when you're lackin?
    Bushwick is packin!
    I'll show your girl how a real man feels
    Large things come in very small packages
    And while your gettin' on your knees to *************
    A ************* like me's still standin' up
    Any ************* will tell you:
    As long as he got a big *************, size ain't *************t
    Liftin weights'll make you bigger
    But lift me you be a dead-ass *************
    You wanna squabble coz ya think you're tougher?
    (Automatic unloading) Swallow that mother******!
    Those are called bullets, they got 'em in every state
    To keep *************z like you in place
    And since I'm a trigga happy *************
    Look for your place to be in a
    Cemetary, you goddamn sucka
    Lying next to another bad mother*************a
    Reputation ain't *************t coz see:
    Once you done dead in the past don't excite me
    You can't have it...na-na-na-na-na!
    Any mother****** wanna get with Bushwick?
    Bring it on 'cause your size ain't *************t!
    I been a stupid-ass mother****** ever since
    I been a stupid-ass mother****** ever since
    I been a stupid-ass mother****** ever since
    The penitentiary became my residence
    It wasn't nothin' for me to disfigure
    You little nickle-and-dime-assed *************z
    Shank a mother****** in a minute
    And I knew my Mexican holmes'd be wit'it
    I don't give a ************* about a pardon
    The *************t I was startin', nor a goddamn warden
    Take a mother****** like you
    And without remorse this is what I'll do:
    Punk you down and make you be my *************
    Then make you *************t on this *************...for 1 cigarette!!
    It ain't any harder then my ************* when you talkin' *************t
    Carry on mother****** 'cause your size ain't *************t
    Some stupid mother****** said he had an advantage
    ************* my size, you wanna do damage?
    Contestant #1 c'mon down!
    You're the next mother****** Imma clown
    So don't get excited like your bid is fair
    Cause you ain't winnin' *************t but a root c*************
    When I throw a mother******' right cross
    And bust you down your goddamn mouth
    Now where's the height comin' from?
    Don't make me use this goddamn gun
    Cause I'll give your ass hell then charge ya rent
    ************* you up like a goddamn accident
    Innocent is how I look
    But a ************* this size ain't supposed to cook
    You took me for a sucker that day...
    Now ************* you find out the hard way:
    Size ain't *************t!!