1Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): Thus spake Isaiah
2Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): If I forget thee, O Jerusalem
3Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): By the waters of Babylon
4Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): Babylon was a great city
5Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): Praise ye the God of Gold
6Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): Thus in Babylon the mighty city
7Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): And in that same hour, as they feasted
8Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): Then sing aloud to God our strength
9Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): The trumpeters and pipers are silent
10Belshazzar\'s Feast (1995 Digital Remaster): Then sing aloud to God our strength
12The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part I: Jesu, Maria - I am near to death (Gerontius)
13The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part I: So pray for me...Kyrie eleison...Holy Mary, pray for him (Ger
14The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part I: Rouse thee, my fainting soul (Gerontius, chorus)
15The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part I: Sanctus fortis, Santus Deus (Gerontius)
16The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part I: I can no more (Gerontius, chorus, semi-chorus)
17The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part I: Proficiscere, anima Christiana (Priest, chorus, semi-chorus)
19The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: I went to sleep (Soul of Gerontius)
20The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: Another marvel...My work is done (Soul, Angel)
21The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: It is a member of that family (Soul, Angel)
22The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: But hark!...Low-born clods of brute earth (Soul, Angel, chor
23The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: Dispossessed, aside thrust (chorus)
24The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: I see not those false spirits (Soul, Angel)
25The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: There was a mortal...Praise to the Holiest (Angel, semi-chor
26The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: But hark! a grand mysterious harmony (Soul, Angel, chorus)
27The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: Praise to the Holiest (chorus)
28The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: Thy judgement now is near (Angel, Soul)
29The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: Jesu! by that shuddering dread (Angel of the Agony, Soul, se
30The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: Praise to his name!...Take me away (Angel, Soul, chorus)
31The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38, Part II: Softly and gently (Angel, chorus, semi-chorus)
32Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 1. Overture (Grave - Allegro moderato)
33Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 2. Comfort ye, my people (tenor recit.)
34Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 3. Every valley shall be exalted (tenor)
35Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 4. And the glory of the Lord (chorus)
36Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 5. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts (bass recit.)
37Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 6. But who may abide (bass)
38Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 7. And he shall purify (chorus)
39Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive (alto recit.)
40Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 9. O thou that tellest (alto)
41Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 10. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (bass recit.
42Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 11. The people that walked in darkness (bass)
43Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 12. For unto us a child is born (chorus)
44Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 13. Pastoral Symphony (Larghetto e mezzo piano)
45Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 14. There were shepherds abiding in the field...And lo, the
46Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 15. And the angel said unto them (soprano recit.)
47Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 16. And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano recit.)
48Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 17. Glory to God (chorus)
49Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 18. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)
50Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (alto recit.
51Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 20. He shall feed his flock (alto)...Come unto him (soprano
52Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part I: 21. His yoke is easy (chorus)
53Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 22. Behold the lamb of God (chorus)
54Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 23. He was despised (alto)
55Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 24. Surely he hath borne our griefs (chorus)
56Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 25. And with his stripes we are healed (chorus)
57Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 26. All we like sheep have gone astray (chorus)
58Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 27. All they that see him (tenor recit.)
59Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 28. He trusted in God (chorus)
60Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 29. Thy rebuke hath broken his heart (tenor recit.)
61Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 30. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow (tenor)
62Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 31. He was cut off out of the land of the living (tenor re
63Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 32. But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (tenor)
64Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 33. Lift up your heads, O ye gates (chorus)
65Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 37. The Lord gave the word (chorus)
66Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 38. How beautiful are the feet (soprano)
67Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 39. Their sound is gone out into all lands (chorus)
68Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 40. Why do the nations so furiously rage together (bass)
69Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 41. Let us break their bonds asunder (chorus)
70Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 42. He that dwelleth in heaven (tenor recit.)
71Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 43. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (tenor)
72Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part II: 44. Hallelujah (chorus)
73Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part III: 45. I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano)
74Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part III: 46. Since by man came death (chorus)
75Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part III: 47. Behold, I tell you a mystery (bass recit.)
76Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part III: 48. The trumpet shall sound (bass) (Alan Stringer, trumpe
77Messiah (1990 Digital Remaster), Part III: 53. Worthy is the lamb (chorus) -
79The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 1. Recit.: And they came to a place named Gethsemane (teno
80The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 2. The Agony (Could ye not watch with me one brief hour?) (
81The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 3. Processional to Calvary [introduction omitted] (Fling wi
82The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 4. Recit.: And when they were come (bass)
83The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 5. The Mystery of the Divine Humiliation (Cross of Jesus, c
84The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 6. Recit.: He made himself of no reputation (bass)
85The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 7. The Majesty of the Divine Humiliation (King ever gloriou
86The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 8. Recit.: And as Moses lifted up the serpent (bass)
87The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 9. Chorus (unacc.): God so loved the world
88The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 10. Litany of the Passion (Holy Jesu, by thy passion) (choi
89The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 11. Recit.: Jesus said, \'Father, forgive them\' (tenor, c
90The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 12. Duet: So thou liftest thy divine petition (bass, tenor
91The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 13. The Mystery of the Intercession (Jesus, the crucified,
92The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 14. Recit.: And one of the malefactors (bass, voices in ch
93The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 16. Recit.: When Jesus therefore saw his mother (tenor, ch
94The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 17. Recit.: Is it nothing to you (bass)
95The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 18. The Appeal of the Crucified (From the throne of his cro
96The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 19. Recit. and chorus: After this, Jesus knowing that all
97The Crucifixion (1990 Digital Remaster): 20. For the Love of Jesus (All for Jesus - all for Jesus) (
98Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 1. On the Way to Jerusalem: When o\'er the steep
99Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 2. Before Jerusalem: Recit.: Like a fair vision i
100Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 2. Before Jerusalem: O Jerusalem! (baritone)
101Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 3. In the Temple: Recit.: And Jesus entered into
102Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 3. In the Temple: Bow down thine ear, O Lord (cho
103Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 4. The Mount of Olives: Not of this world the kin
104Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 4. The Mount of Olives: \'Twas night o\'er lonely
105Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 4. The Mount of Olives: He was despised and rejec
106Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 4. The Mount of Olives: Come unto him, all ye tha
107Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part I, 4. The Mount of Olives: Hymn: Just as I am, witho
108Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 5. A New Commandment: Recit.: And Jesus, knowing
109Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 5. A New Commandment: Arietta: A new commandment
110Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 5. A New Commandment: O thou whose sweet compass
111Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 6. Gethsemane: Recit.: And when they had sung a
112Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 6. Gethsemane: Hymn: Thy will be done, the savio
113Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 7. Betrayed and Forsaken: And while he yet spake
114Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 7. Betrayed and Forsaken: Recit.: O was there ev
115Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 7. Betrayed and Forsaken: Air: Ye who sin, and y
116Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 8. Before Pilate: Then came Jesus forth from the
117Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 9. The March to Calvary: The saviour king goes f
118Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 10. Calvary: Recit.: And when they came to the p
119Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 10. Calvary: Droop, sacred head (chorus)
120Olivet to Calvary (1993 Digital Remaster), Part II, 10. Calvary: Hymn: Rock of ages, cleft for me (c
2English Folk Songs - Suite (orch. Gordon Jacob): III. March (Folk Songs from Somerset)
3English Folk Songs - Suite (orch. Gordon Jacob): II. Intermezzo (My Bonny Boy)
4English Folk Songs - Suite (orch. Gordon Jacob): I. March (Seventeen Come Sunday)
6Oboe Concerto in A minor: III. Finale: Scherzo (Presto - Lento - Presto)
7Oboe Concerto in A minor: II. Minuet and Musette (Allegro moderato)
8Oboe Concerto in A minor: I. Rondo pastorale (Allegro moderato)
9Partita for double string orchestra: IV. Fantasia (Allegro)
10Partita for double string orchestra: III. Intermezzo (Homage to Henry Hall) (Andante con moto)