[Voicemail Operator] Press 1 to review your messages [Woman 1] What up? Is this Tech N9ne? Strange Music, homie Tech Nina, baby Hahaha, Caribou Lou Hahaha [Woman 2] [?] You're hilarious [Woman 3] ******* you You are a ******* asshole Don't ever come past me or I'll make your life ******* Hell I don't care who the ******* you are You are a piece of ******* *******T [Woman 3] I apologize Like, honestly, I don't know what's going on I am sorry for being freaking mean [Woman 4] So.. there's always something, right? Some ******* *******t The first time, you lowered me to your door outside or something [Woman 4] Like there's something ****** up about you I'm looking back, and my feelings are so in the past about you Okay? ******* you This is my response This is my reaction to what is your reality
[Voicemail Operator] Press 1 to review your messages [Woman 1] What up? Is this Tech N9ne? Strange Music, homie Tech Nina, baby Hahaha, Caribou Lou Hahaha [Woman 2] [?] You're hilarious [Woman 3] ******* you You are a ******* asshole Don't ever come past me or I'll make your life ******* Hell I don't care who the ******* you are You are a piece of ******* *******T [Woman 3] I apologize Like, honestly, I don't know what's going on I am sorry for being freaking mean [Woman 4] So.. there's always something, right? Some ******* *******t The first time, you lowered me to your door outside or something [Woman 4] Like there's something ****** up about you I'm looking back, and my feelings are so in the past about you Okay? ******* you This is my response This is my reaction to what is your reality