2Journey To The Inn
3The Inn
4The Crypt
5Carriage Without A Driver
6The Castle
7The Drawing Room
8\"Excellent, Mr. Renfield\"
9The Three Consorts Of Dracula
10The Storm
11Horrible Tragedy
12London Fog
13In The Theatre
14Lucy\'s Bitten
15Seward Sanatorium
17In His Cell
18When The Dream Comes
19Dracula Enters
20Or A Wolf
21Women In White
22Renfield In The Drawing Room
23Dr. Van Helsing And Dracula
24Mina On The Terrace
25Mina\'s Bedroom / The Abbey
26The End Of Dracula
27Dracula: Epilogue
Piano Music (Edition Klavier-Festival Ruhr)
Music in Similar Motion/Music In 5ths
Music in Twelve Parts
Einstein on the Beach
The Photographer
1The Poet Acts from The Hours
2Escape! From The Hours
3Morning Passages from The Hours
4Etude No. VI
5Etude No. V
6Etude No. IV
7Etude No. III
8Etude No. II
9Etude No. I
10Mvt. IV - Four Movements for Two Pianos