2The Sisters
3Avenant Proposes
4The Father\'s Journey
5The Beast\'s Domain
6The Father Returns
7Beauty Goes to the Chateau
8Dinner with the Beast
9The Beast\'s Anguish
10Promenade in the Garden
11The Furniture is Seized
12The Beast\'s Pledge of Faith
13Beauty\'s Return Home
14Beauty Tells Her Story
15The Plan
16Avenant\'s Passion
17Magnificent Appears
18The Mirror
19The Pavilion
20The Transformation
Piano Music (Edition Klavier-Festival Ruhr)
Music in Similar Motion/Music In 5ths
Music in Twelve Parts
Einstein on the Beach
The Photographer
1The Poet Acts from The Hours
2Escape! From The Hours
3Morning Passages from The Hours
4Etude No. VI
5Etude No. V
6Etude No. IV
7Etude No. III
8Etude No. II
9Etude No. I
10Mvt. IV - Four Movements for Two Pianos