2Strongly Offensive
3Salutatory Speaka
4Total Nastiness
5Cash Exchange
7Pure Unsanitariness
8Pure Filth
9City Toura
10Somethin Undesirable
11Absent of Values
12My Immorality
13Disgustinly Wicked
14Sex on Tha Beach
It Would Be Heaven on Earth If Cops Were Drafted & Not Hired
Kill Urself My Man
Neva Buya's Remorse
It's All Urs Baby
Punch It
1Tha Act
2Now Available
3Punch It
4She Say It's All Urs Baby
5In Tha Back
6What Else
72 Much 2 Spend
8Boomin off Tha Chain
9Birds In
10Hustlin Maja While Winnin