Hey! We OK You see me walking through the park, A few minutes after dark with a cigarette, In my hand, Keep it up boy you'll be dead. I'm killing time with pandemonium, Smoking this, Bet I catch pneumonia. It's a damn cold night to be walking home alone girl, For what it's worth, I know my own worth, It's ******* priceless baby. (Hey, hey, we ok, hey hey we ok) We're who we are, So don't you think that you can call us freaks, Or geeks, Or lame, we walk our own way! Hey, hey! We ok, Hey hey! We ok, We're superstars, The ones you know as total **** ups, We're proud of it, We walk our own way! We walk our own way! I see you looking at me, Probably thinking, "What a menace to society Don't have a job, Pays the bills with his guitar" I'm strumming chords, Singing songs, Clap your hands, Try and sing along, It's a catchy tune, You just gotta learn the words. So for what it's worth, We know our own worth, We're ******* priceless baby. (Hey, hey we ok, hey hey we ok) We're who we are, So don't you think that you can call us freaks, Or geeks, Or lame, we walk our own way! Hey, hey! we ok, Hey, hey! we ok, We're superstars, The ones you know as total **** ups we're proud of it, We walk our own way! We walk our own way! Social outcasts, Total **** ups, Turn that **** up. We're proud of it! We're proud of it! We're proud of it! C'mon lose your mind. (Hey, hey, we ok, hey hey we ok) We're who we are, So don't you think that you can call us freaks, Or geeks, Or lame, We walk our own way! Hey, hey! we ok, Hey hey! we ok, We're superstars The ones you know as total **** ups we're proud of it, We walk our own way! We walk our own way! We walk our own way! (We walk our own way)