Syndicate fool L.A. Home of the Bodybag Ice-T A young playa bred in South Central Colors, syndicate fool A young playa bred in South Central Ice-T L.A. Home of the Bodybag [Incomprehensible] yourself Syndicate fool Ice-T A young playa bred in South Central Pop rollers Syndicate fool Ice-T L.A. Home of the Bodybag My lethal weapon's my mind Ice-T Syndicate fool I'm your pusher Ice-T A young playa bred in South Central Squeeze the trigger fool Ice-T Pimpin' ain't easy Drama, Ice-T Syndicate fool Peel the caps back Ice-T A young playa bred in South Central Power Syndicate fool L.A. Home of the Bodybag Iceberg, Ice-T Syndicate fool Let's get butt naked and **** Ice-T A young playa bred in South Central *** Ice-T L.A. Home of the Bodybag Syndicate fool O.G.