Everything Is Honey Jim Cummings;Kristen Anderson-Lopez;Robert Lopez -Everything Is Honey Everything is honey Everywhere I see Everything is honey And that's quite alright with me I am a bear of little brain I can't explain Why everything will be changing to The favorite snack Of Winnie the Pooh Can you Everything is honey I can't get enough Of lots and lots of Pots and pots of Sticky licky stuff Oh what a sight Oh what a dream Dive in the wonderful honeyful stream Swimming in the honey Swimming far and wide Open up my mouth And let the honey flow inside Ooey and gooey and very sweet Eat and eat Then repeat Suddenly I'm in a honey boat It doesn't matter to where we float Whooaaah 'Cause everywhere is honey There's a honey Pooh He's just made of honey So I guess I'll eat him too If everything is honey And I am what I eat I must be made of honey And life is very sweet