Dear Clarice Dear Clarice... I have followed|with enthusiasm... The course of your disgrace|and public shaming. My own never bothered me... Except for the inconvenience|of being incarcerated. But you may lack perspective. In our discussions|down in the dungeon... It was apparent to me|that your father... The dead night watchman... Figures largely|in your value system. I think your success|in putting an end... To Jame Gumb's career|as a couturier... Pleased you most... Because you could imagine|your father being pleased. But now, alas, you're in|bad odor with the FBI. Do you imagine your daddy|being shamed by your disgrace? Do you see him|in his plain pine box... Crushed by your failure? The sorry, petty end|of a promising career? What is worst about|this humiliation, Clarice? Is it how your failure... Will reflect|on your mommy and daddy? Is your worst fear that people|will now and forever... Believe they were indeed... Just good old trailer camp,|tornado-bait, white trash? And that perhaps you are, too? By the way,|I couldn't help noticing... On the FBI's|rather dull public website... That I have been hoisted... From the Bureau's archives|of the common criminal... And elevated|to the more prestigious... Ten Most Wanted List. Is this coincidence,|or are you back on the case? If so, goody goody. I need to come out of retirement|and return to public life. Clearly this new assignment|is not your choice. Rather, I suppose it is|part of the bargain... But you accepted it, Clarice. Your job is to craft my doom. So I am not sure how well|I should wish you... But I'm sure|we'll have a lot of fun. Ta-ta.