[00:00.62]求雨 [00:00.86] [00:01.12]制作人 Producer: 施鑫文月 [00:01.12]葫芦丝Cucubuit Flute:王靖凯 [00:01.12]钢琴Piano:施鑫文月 [00:01.12]合成器 Synthesizers:施鑫文月 [00:01.12]贝斯 Bass:韩雨墨 [00:01.12]鼓 Drums:舒迪 [00:01.12]小打Percussion:舒迪 [00:01.12]词曲 Singer- Songwriter: 施鑫文月 [00:01.12]主唱 Lead Vocal:刘思初 [00:01.12]混音工程师 Mixing Engineer:Eric Lau [00:01.12]母带工程师 Mastering Engineer:Eric Lau [00:01.12]录音棚 Recording Studio: 江好同频 [00:01.12]录音师Recording Engineers: 施鑫文月,刘诚明 [00:01.12]市场宣传Marketing & Promotion:Muzi Li @西北土特产 Xinyi Wang @西北土特产 [00:01.12]单曲文案Copywrite: Beijing Daddy [00:03.83] [00:04.91]大家好 [00:04.91]Hello, everyone [00:05.59]现在播送江好气象台 [00:05.59]Now, we are announcing what Jiang Hao has passed down [00:07.43]今天下午六点钟发布的天气预报 [00:07.43]The weather forcast realesed at 6 PM [00:10.59]首先,我们看到长江中下游 [00:10.59]First, we turn to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River [00:13.23]因受冷空气对流影响 [00:13.23]Due to the influence of cold air convection [00:15.26]气象局表示 [00:15.26]the meteorological bureau predicts [00:16.40]有很大可能性会下起暴雨 [00:16.40]a high likelihood of heavy rain) [00:18.40]特别提醒大家 [00:18.40]A special reminder for everyone [00:19.71]把晾好的衣服提早收回 [00:19.71]Please remove all the clothes that are hanging and drying outside [00:22.30]我们继续往西南地区走 [00:22.30]Next, moving to the southwest region [00:24.80]昆明 依旧四季如春 [00:24.80]Kunming continues to live up to its reputation as the city of eternal spring [00:27.28]在这三月末端 [00:27.28]As we approach the end of March [00:28.91]更是体现出春城的魅力 [00:28.91]the city’s charm shines even bright [00:31.60]最后,来到四川盆地 [00:31.60]Finally, in the Sichuan Basin [00:33.79]成都,依然还是灰太阳笼罩上空 [00:33.79]Chengdu remains under its characteristic “gray sun” skies [00:36.95]当地市民表示 [00:36.95]Local residents advocate [00:38.53]希望来一场轰轰烈烈的春雨 [00:38.53]hey hope for a thorugh spring rain [00:41.15]洗走头顶的灰太阳 [00:41.15]to wash away the grey sun overhead [00:43.72]携手迎接,春天的到来 [00:43.72]and to warmly welcome the arrival of spring together [00:56.97] [02:19.92]现在播送江好气象台 [02:19.92]Now, we are announcing what Jiang Hao has passed down [02:22.89]今天下午六点钟发布的天气预报 [02:22.89]The weather forcast realesed at 6 PM [02:26.16]成都,依然还是灰太阳笼罩上空 [02:26.16]Chengdu remains under its characteristic “gray sun” skies [02:29.36]当地市民表示 [02:29.36]Local residents advocate [02:31.27]希望来一场轰轰烈烈的春雨 [02:31.27]They hope for a thorugh spring rain [02:33.98]洗走头顶的灰太阳 [02:33.98]to wash away the grey sun overhead [02:36.16]携手迎接,春天的到来 [02:36.16]and to warmly welcome the arrival of spring together