Woman Don’t You Cry For Me (Early Take) SPOKEN: "Is it coming through" "One and two and three and a four" Gotta leave you here, I'm gonna leave you at the station. I've got a long way to go baby, Woman don't you cry for me. Ain't got time to play, I don't need no complication. I've got a long way to go baby, Woman don't you cry for me. I can't take no more, I don't need no aggravation. I've got a long way to go baby, Woman don't you cry for me. There's no one place I want to be, Attachment only hurts and locks you in tight. Better catch it for yourself, Before the end comes along.] There's only one thing I got to see, That's the Lord try to keep him in sight. Better take care of yourself baby, C'mon wont you let me be. Gotta leave you here, I don't need you at the station. I've got a long way to go baby, Woman don't you cry for me.