These ideas are nightmares for white parents 这些观念对于白人父母来说无异于噩梦 Whose worst fear is a child with dyed hair and who likes earrings 他们最怕的就是有一个染着发并喜欢佩带耳环的孩子 Like whatever they say has no bearing 就像他们的言传身教对他不起作用一样 Its so scary in a house that allows no swearing 身于一个不允许说脏话的家庭真是可怕 To see him walking around with his headphones blaring 只见他戴着耳机到处走 Alone in his own zone, cold and he don't care 他孑然一身,遭到冷遇,他不在乎 He's a problem child, what bothers him all comes out When he talks about his f##kin' dad walkin' out 他是个问题儿童,当谈到他那该死的出走的父亲时,他不吐不快 'cuz he hates him so bad that he blocks him out 因为他恨他恨到不愿想起他 But if he ever saw him again, he'd probably knock him out 但是如果让他再撞到他,他很可能会将他打翻在地 His thoughts are whacked, he's mad so he's talkin' back 他的想法很疯狂,他怒火中烧,所以他开始反击 Talkin black, brainwashed from rock and rap 开始说唱,他被摇滚与说唱洗脑 He sags his pants, do-rags and a stocking cap 他全身都是嘻哈的打扮,穿着宽松的的裤子,围着头巾,戴着绒线帽 His step-father hit him so he socked him back 他的继父打了他,他便狠狠地回击 And broke his nose, this house is a broken home 打断了他的鼻梁,这是个破碎的家庭 There's no control, he just lets his emotions go 没有约束,他率性而为 Come on... 来吧... Sing with me, sing for the year 与我同唱,歌唱那一年 Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear 歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水 Sing with me, just for today 与我同唱,歌唱此刻 Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away 可能明天,仁慈的主就会带走你 Entertainment is changin', intertwine it with gangsters 娱乐界变了,它与黑帮勾结 In the land of the killers, a sinner's mind is a sanctum 在一个满是杀手的国度,人们崇拜罪人 Holy or unholy, only have one homey 要么圣洁要么罪恶,我只有一个朋友 Only this gun, lonely, 'cuz don't anyone know me 那就是这把枪,孤独,因为没人了解我 But everybody just feels like they can relate 可是每个人都认为他们能理解 I guess words are a ************, they can be great 文字真是很混帐,有时可以很棒 Or they can be great, or even worse, they can teach hate 有时却会引人堕落,甚至会教人记恨 Its like kids hang on every single statement we make 孩子们会牢记我们(指RAPPER们)说的每一句话 Like they worship us, plus all the stores ship us platinum 他们崇拜我们,我们的唱片卖到白金销量 Now how the f##k did this metamorphasis happen? 怎么TMD会发生这种蜕变呢? From standin' on corners and porches just rappin' 从街头和门厅前的说唱小子 To havin' a fortune, no more kissin' ass 到大红大紫,不用再拍人马屁 But then these critics crucify you, journalists try to burn you 但是然后这些批评家又来抨击你,记者们恨不得要毁了你 Fans turn on you, attorneys all wan' a turn at you 歌迷们倒戈相向,律师们让你心惊 To get their hands on every dime you have 他们想染指你的每一分钱 They want you to lose your mind every time you mad 每次你一生气,他们都希望你会因此发疯 So they can try to make you out to look like a loose cannon 这样他们就可以将你描述成一个大炮(意为举止无法预料的名人) Any dispute won't hesitate to produce handguns 他们毫不迟疑的说你携带手枪 Thats why these prosecutors wanna convict me 这就是为什么那些律师要严厉地控告我 strictly just to get me off of these streets quickly 只是想尽快将我赶离那些街道 But all their kids been listen'n to me religiously 但是他们的孩子还是会一直虔诚的听着我们的音乐 So I'm signing CDs while police fingerprint me 所以我一边给CD签名,一边还要按指纹 They're for the judges daughter, but his grudge is against me CD 是签给法官的女儿,但是他却恨我入骨 If I'm such a f##kin' menace, this **** doesnt make sense, Pete 如果我TMD是个威胁,PETE,这一切就太荒谬了 It's all political, if my music is literal and I'm a criminal, 这一切全是因为政治,如果我在音乐里所说的属实,并且我是个罪犯的话 How the f##k can I raise a little girl? 我TMD还怎么去抚养我的小女儿 I couldn't. I wouldn't be fit to 我不能也不适合 You're full of **** too, Guerrera, that was a fist that hit you! Guerrera, 你谎话连篇,袭击你的只是我的拳头而已 Sing with me, sing for the year 与我同唱,歌唱那一年 Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear 歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水 Sing with me, just for today 与我同唱,歌唱此刻 Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away 可能明天,仁慈的主就会带走你 They say music can alter moods and talk to you 他们说音乐能改变人的心智,能传达信息 But can it load a gun for you and cock it too? 但是它能将枪上膛,并扣动扳机 Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude 好啊,如果它可以的话,下次你袭击了一个家伙 Just tell the judge it was my fault, and I'll get sued 尽管告诉法官那是我的错,然后便等着我被起诉吧 See what these kids do, is hear about us toting pistols 看看孩子们会怎么样呢,那就是听说我携带枪支 And they want to get one, 'cuz they think the ****'s cool 然后他们也想要一把,因为他们认为这样东西很COOL Not knowin' we're really just protectin' ourselves 但是他们却并不知道我们只是出于自卫 We're entertainers, of course this ****'s affecting our sales 作为艺人,这样的事当然会影响到我们的销量 You ignoramus. but music is reflection of self 真是无知.音乐能反映一个人 We just explain it, and then we get our checks in the mail 我们刚这么说,然后就收到法院的传单 It's ****** up ain't it, how we can come from practically nothin' 这很荒谬,不是吗? To bein' able to have any f##kin' thing that we wanted 我们是如何从一无所有到要什么有什么呢? It's why we sing for these kids that don't have a thing Except for a dream and a ******* rap magazine 这就是我为什么要为那些除了梦想和一本说唱杂志之外什么都没有的孩子唱歌的原因 Who post pinup pictures on their walls all day long 他们老是往墙上贴些招贴画 Idolize their favorite rappers and know all they songs 崇拜着他们最喜欢的RAPPER并熟悉他们的每一首歌 Or for anyone who's ever been through **** in they lives 或是为那些生活中有过不幸经历的人们歌唱 they sit and they cry at night, wishing they die 他们会在夜深的时候哭泣,希望一死了之 Till they throw on a rap record, and they sit and they vibe 直到他们找到一张说唱唱片作为支柱,然后他们开始欣赏音乐 We're nothing to you, but we're the ******' **** in their eyes 对于你们,我们什么都不是,但是在他们眼里,我们就是最棒的 That's why we seize the moment, and try to freeze it and own it 所以我们要抓住那个时刻,尽力拥有它 Squeeze it and hold it, 'cuz we consider these minutes golden 抓牢他,因为我们认为那样的时刻很宝贵 And maybe they'll admit it when we're gone 可能等我们都死去的时候,他们才会才会承认这一点 Just let our spirits live on, through out lyrics that you hear in our songs 我们的精神是不朽的,你们会通过我们歌曲中的歌词明白这一点 And we can 我们便可以 Sing with me, sing for the year 与我同唱,歌唱那一年 Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear 歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水 Sing with me, just for today 与我同唱,歌唱此刻 Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away 可能明天,仁慈的主就会带走你 Sing with me, sing for the year 与我同唱,歌唱那一年 Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear 歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水 Sing with me, just for today 与我同唱,歌唱此刻 Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away 可能明天,仁慈的主就会带走你