Devil\'s Advocate (Heaven V. Hell - Bonus Beats) Now, may I say to you friend There is nothing wrong with a beat It's used in every type of song Whether it's a march, a waltz, a polka, a tango But rock and roll is a different type of thing For it is a mixture and confusion of beats That jangles the nerves The impulsive beast of our bodies The spirit of pure unprovoked music Has been domesticated for profit What music must give birth to orgasm and revolution The heavy rock music now in style Motivates you and internally, gives you a sexual feeling A girl can be turned on by the music And releases her inhibitions The beat of the drum has always been A factor, a part of fertility rights - you cannot mix them A girl realizes her sexuality Through the music and the beat Sex, sex But they said that there was something That got to them more than the words of the songs And that was the beat, the beat Louder and faster, louder and faster It hooks young people And they become a part of this generation And their lives are ruined Until they can shake themselves of this Filthy beat and music and words that produces Revolution, sex and drugs The same beat produces the same evil inclinations Even if we tie the word "Jesus saves" to it Let's have our life and get rid of this trash Smash those filthy records, get rid of them