Me Myself And (i) I'm kinda reeling- A deja-vu feeling. We've been together In another life. Got me extended- That network's ended. The future echoes With your memory. Now darling, I don't know what the future will bring, But I am willing to sing 'til I drop. Now baby, I don't know how it happened to be, But when we met it was like future shock. Tell me what to do, me myself and I- It's gonna take a time machine To get it right. And it's so cruel- I wanna take you home. I'm gonna speed those hands of time right up, So that I don't leave here all alone. Woo hoo! The death of romance- Thought there was no chance- Then you appeared right in front of me. I got to thinking, Loneliness sinking- I felt the cloudiness come over me. Now darling, I don't know what the future will hold, But I'm not willing to do as I'm told. Now baby, I don't care how it happened to be, I see my future; it's right before me. Tell me what to do, me myself and I- It's gonna take a time machine To get it right. And it's so cruel- I wanna take you home. I'm gonna speed those hands of time right up So that I don't leave here all alone. Woo hoo! Woo hoo! Woo hoo! Did you ever get the feeling that the universe is leaning? It's accelerating, it will never stop. Did you ever wonder if the number one divide by zero Is infinity and if that's the case then what? If imaginary numbers are abstractions of the real thing Then could someone make the clock of time stop? If we were always meant to be together like forever Than it must have been a future shock. I don't know what the future will bring, But I am willing to sing 'til I drop... What to do, me myself and I- It's gonna take a time machine To get it right. And it's so cruel- I wanna take you home. I'm gonna speed those hands of time Right up so that I don't leave here all alone. Woo hoo! I don't know what the future will bring, But I am willing to sing 'til I drop. (Gonna speed those hands of time right up...) Oh darling, I don't know how it happened to be, But when we met it was like future shock. What to do, me myself and I- It's gonna take a time machine To get it right. And it's so cruel- I wanna take you home. I'm gonna speed those hands of time Right up so that I don't leave here all alone. Woo hoo!