Another Wasted Night With... Say, brother... If you ever let me leave out a club with a big fat-ass, stove-like ***** like that without pointin' out the facts... I'mma kick your mother*****' ass! Man, that nerve of the ho not to give me no pussy... Come up in my house trying to watch movies and shit... this ain't no mother****in' cinema, bitch! Who the ***** she thought I -- Say, brother, I wasted a evening. I shoulda went with you. But, oh, well. You know I gets my ***** anyway. You know that's how players do. But God-damnit, Rashid, that big-ass *****-- *laughs* If you'd have said to spread on that ho, man, I could kick my own ass Well, should go to work... Just another wasted night And ohhhh, ohhhh... Heyyy, heyyy... What can you say?