作词 : Untell/Swervy 作曲 : Untell I JUST WANNA GO I JUST WANNA GO I JUST WANNA GO I JUST WANNA GO 시끌벅적한 이곳을 떠나자 여긴늪이야 잡아먹힐 거야 난 도망을 치는 게 아냐 무서운 사자들로부터 말이야 I JUST WANNA GO I JUST WANNA GO I JUST WANNA GO TO PARADISE 벗어날래 이 도실 He had one too many voices in his head. Ringing in the ears, strange commands coming from someone else’s voice from his left ear kept him suffering. He wanted to run away from the voices and the reality he was stuck in. From then on, he got an addiction with lucid dreaming and ended up being confused between reality and his dreams. He ran from the people who had malicious plans in their mind focused on hurting him. When he finally arrived home, he started packing, planning to move.