爱的日记 作词 : R!CY 作曲 : R!CY 编曲 : jos10 和声: R! CY 混音/母带: XuSad Dear:胡先生 Peoplekillin', peopledyin' Children hurt and you hear themcryin' Can you practise what you preach? And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got mequestionin' Where is the love? 现在是凌晨的一点半 从下午开始熟睡的你还在床上摆着烂 我跑去翻冰箱 oh桃子泛了红圈 偷偷写下这首告诉你在我的心里面 悄悄路过你爱逛的咖啡店 又一不小心看到你爱看的动画片 从那之后我脑袋 总在悄悄在发呆 总是期待你到来 心动时候正好有你在 风筝总不停摆 心越来越期待 你在心里的位置始终无可替代 电话铃声偷偷又响起 我知道你爱脏饼干 但比起他来还是最爱 me Peoplekillin', peopledyin' Children hurt and you hear themcryin' Can you practise what you preach? And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got mequestionin' Where is the love? 我们遇到了带兔子头套的街头艺人 驻足的小女孩偷偷拉去了鱼鳞裙摆 我们手拉着手一起在这里相伴着行人 多想慢慢老去在这个悠长的隧道人海 在厦门手牵着手散步在凌晨的海边 还好是你一直都在陪我冒险 大家都在行色匆匆的生活着 你在困顿的生活里陪我一起快乐着 夜晚每天陪伴我的小青蛙 成为我们两个异地世界彼此的牵挂 在你身边的时候我总是笑哈哈 全世界的笑话都不及你的小脑瓜 my baby Peoplekillin', peopledyin' Children hurt and you hear themcryin' Can you practise what you preach? And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got mequestionin' Where is the love? 还记得那首物归原主吗 歌里的姑娘还是找到了你啊 得偿所愿不只眼前未来日子一直在 不用再去忐忑不安不要质疑我的爱 my baby Peoplekillin', peopledyin' Children hurt and you hear themcryin' Can you practise what you preach? And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got mequestionin' Where is the love?