作词 : 小安逸 作曲 : 小安逸 作词 : 小安逸 作曲 : 小安逸 你不要走 Don't go 你不要走你不要走 You don't go you don't go 你不要走 Don't go 我求求你我什么都愿意给你干 I beg you, I'll do anything for you 你走了我怎么办 What shall I do if you go 你走了我怎么办 What shall I do if you go 我要结婚了 I'm getting married 光阴就像那流水 Time is like running water 生活仍碌碌无为 Life is still mediocre 时光不觉已浪费 Time is wasted 我要的爱只在你身上存在 The love I want exists only in you 要不是你 If it weren't for you 不会哭得笑得傻得像小孩 Don't cry and laugh like a child 在一起不简单别轻易说分开 It's not easy to be together. Don't say separation easily 把难言的爱都埋入土壤里 Bury unspeakable love in the soil 我多想再见你 How I want to see you again 哪怕匆匆一眼就别离 Even if you leave in a hurry 其实我不洒脱只是装英雄 In fact, I'm not free and easy, just pretending to be a hero 不想英雄 Don't want to be a hero 那么爱你怎可能一滴泪没有 So how can I love you without a tear 有理由 There's a reason 我们都要记得 We all have to remember 你太善良 You are too kind 你太美丽 You are too beautiful 我讨厌这 I hate this 要结婚了 I'm getting married 这么快啊 So fast 难不成等你啊 Can I wait for you 记得来啊 Remember to come 好啊 Good 他对你好吗 Is he nice to you 看昨天的我们走远了 Look at yesterday. We've gone far 在命运广场中央等待 Waiting in the center of destiny square 那模糊的肩膀越奔跑越渺小 The blurred shoulders become smaller and smaller as they run 长大以后后我只能奔跑 When I grow up, I can only run 我多害怕黑暗中跌倒时刻变成灰色 How afraid I am to fall in the dark and turn gray 我们还是一如既往的冷漠 We are still as indifferent as ever 感受着仅存的快乐 Feel the only happiness left 回想我们走过的那些曲折 Recall the twists and turns we have gone through 只有我们两个别人没法 It's just the two of us. No one else can 原来我从未将你拥有过 I never owned you 路口不要怪我了也许爱远走 Don't blame me at the intersection. Maybe I love to go away 假如我有一天消失了 If I disappear one day 你会不会很难过你也不会难过 Will you be sad? You won't be sad 你不要小看我 Don't look down on me 有什么熬不过 What can't endure 久到我以为每天都该下雨 So long that I thought it should rain every day 这场雨下了很久很久 It rained for a long time 久到我学会了打伞 It's been so long that I learned to hold an umbrella 可是伞也骗我 But the umbrella also lied to me 因为伞是为雨准备的 Because the umbrella is prepared for rain 只有一个宝贝 Only one baby 久了之后她变成了眼泪 After a long time, she turned into tears 泪一滴在左手 A tear in the left hand 凝固成为寂寞 Solidify into loneliness 往回看有什么我们又分手 Look back and see what happened. We broke up again 不再想决定分开 No longer want to decide to separate 为什么我们的结局还是没有例外 Why is there no exception to our ending 你说我没有想法不懂浪漫惹人厌烦 You say I have no idea, don't understand romance, boring 为什么曾你无双却拖到了现在 Why did you drag it until now 我和你吵了又吵闹过再闹还是分开 I quarreled with you, quarreled again, quarreled again, or separated 为什么我在你眼里是如此的不堪 Why am I so unbearable in your eyes 我还是追了出去不想在家傻傻等待 I still chased out and didn't want to wait at home 最后只看见车门在我面前用泪水 Finally, I saw the door in front of me with tears 换 change 没有结果的事情要及时止损 If there is no result, stop the loss in time 但你的内心又在纠结 But your heart is tangled again 不求同行 Don't ask for peers 但求 But for 那究竟该奔赴还是要放弃 Should we go or give up 其实无论你怎么学 In fact, no matter how you learn 都有遗憾 All have regrets 总之你要记住吩咐要值得放弃 In short, you should remember to give up 要利用爱慕斯本 To use amosburn 我们还能不能再见面 Can we meet again 我知道什么时候变了不喜欢热闹 I know when it's changed. I don't like the excitement 也不再害怕独自生活的单调 No longer afraid of the monotony of living alone 卸下了睫毛滚到了喧嚣 Took off his eyelashes and rolled into the noise 拒绝手机里陌生人打扰 Refuse to be disturbed by strangers on your mobile phone 不应要和可悲真的张望 You shouldn't really look around with sadness 莫问借给过太半后放不出真假的诺 Don't ask if you can't make a real promise after lending too much 那么久都不来见我一次 You haven't seen me for so long 最爱你当远处传来你的相思 I love you most when your Acacia comes from a distance 最容易想起最难忘记 The easiest to remember, the hardest to forget 最想要得到最害怕失去 Most want to get, most afraid to lose