King Kong King Kong, King Kong, I don't think clear, King Kong king, the king is here His heart's still pumping, his blood's still running With King Kong I'm bored with King Kong's fear, he's driving a hard bargain King Kong, the king is here King Kong, he's like your caveman, he eats money for you His eyes are still hungry, he's jumping, shouting King Kong throughout the day, on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on ThursdayTell everyone King Kong is here I'm like King Kong, I'm right and you're wrong King Kong king, the king is strong I understand King Kong, he's outrageous He won't stop killing until you're willing, King Kong, the king is strong He's frightening, he starts some lightning, he likes machinery and refineries Always on Fridays and then, he loves them to live in, to eat in, to kill in His eyes are now bulging, indulging, love making Tell everyone King Kong is here Somedays on Saturdays when, we buy him some towers, not flowers or trousers His eyes are still hungry, he's jumping, he's shouting King Kong's around again, on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on ThursdayHis eyes are now showers, his groaping got power Tell everyone King Kong is here Tell everyone King Kong is here--------------------------------------------------------------------------