Whiskey, Beer & Wine "Thirsty Beggar" Written on the door That bucket of blood Staying open 'til 4 Ain't hard to find A great big neon sign They only serve three things Whiskey, beer, and wine Hardwood bar Rickety stool Cigarette machine Selling Camels and Kools You can solve your problems One drink at a time You can fix anything over Whiskey, beer, and wine Dirty little bar room Kept the lights down low Icing down the long necks 'Til they was nice and cold Oh you can sit down an order A bottle of waste your mind Three ways we get high Whiskey, beer, and wine Corner booth in the back Where they had the dice Sit down at a table Shoot craps all night Like in the good old days Drink your troubles good-bye Mason jar gonna save your soul Whiskey, beer, and wine You can fix anything Over whiskey, beer, and wine