守望彼岸 (伴奏) 作词 : 杨坤 作曲 : 蟹子 编曲 : 何骏 制作人 : 蟹子 守望彼岸 Buddha’s Blessings – The Solicitude for Jiazhou 演唱:韩磊 川剧演唱:胡玉辉 乐山大佛旅游形象歌曲 我已静坐很久 For ages I’ve been sitting here still 千年的浪涛依旧 Watching the waves of the rivers for thousands of years 在此岸的坚守 Guarding the land on the shore 是世间凡尘因果 Witnessing the transmigration in the mundane world 岷江的风 让青衣飘动 Qingyi River dances with the wind from Mingjiang River 大渡河水 正起起落落 Dadu River rises and falls 三江东去 任岁月蹉跎 The three rivers flow eastwards as time goes by 儒释道者 何人笑谈中 Echoing with the laughters and talks among Confucianists, Buddhists and Taoists 我本一山一石头 Once I was a rock in the mountains 千锤百炼刻成佛 Craftsmen carved me into a buddha 海通的眼匠人手 With Monk Haitong’s selfless dedication and devotional prayer 换得乘舟千帆过 Thousands of sails cross the rivers safely 我本一山一石头 Once I was a rock in the mountains 千刀万斧的雕琢 With innumerable sculpting and carving 心中菩提即般若 Bodhi and Prajna were engraved upon my heart 守望彼岸之嘉州 Enabled I am, to guard and bless the land of Jiazhou on the other shore 岷江的风 让青衣飘动 Qingyi River dances with the wind from Mingjiang River 大渡河水 正起起落落 Dadu River rises and falls 三江东去 任岁月蹉跎 The three rivers flow eastwards as time goes by 儒释道者 何人笑谈中 Echoing with the laughters and talks among Confucianists, Buddhists and Taoists 我本一山一草木 Once I was a blade of grass in the mountains 一念一静慢执著 Quietly, peacefully and perpetually 过客悲欢与离合 I saw sorrows and joys,and partings and reunions of people 遇山遇水遇自我 who passed by and found the true self between mountains and rivers 我本一山一净土 Once I was a pure land in the mountains 轻埋是非与沉浮 Away from the material and complex world 拿来白塔当笔墨 The white tower is my brush 挥洒青天又如何 With which, I paint the blue sky freely 是圣是仙是人是佛 Am I a saint, a god, a human or a buddha? 且笑且怒且行且坐 I laugh, I anger, I travel and I rest 梦中起身走走 In my dream I rise up and walk to the shore 取江水一瓢敬酒 Scoop the water from the rivers and drink a toast 祈愿百姓千秋无忧 To Heaven and Earth, for your infinite benevolence 我本一山一石头 Once I was a rock in the mountains 千刀万斧的雕琢 With innumerable sculpting and carving 心中菩提即般若 Bodhi and Prajna were engraved upon my heart 守望彼岸之嘉州 Enabled I am, to guard and bless the land of Jiazhou on the other shore 静看千年浪涛过 Year after year I watch silently the waves roll away 坚守此岸凡尘坐 And guard on this shore the mumdane world 弦乐 : 国际首席爱乐乐团 发行 : 恬音文化 弦乐总监 : 李朋 录音混音 : 周晓明 母带 : 周晓明 企划 : 谭梦 出品 : 乐山大佛旅游投资开发(集团)有限公司 和声 : 蟹子