Strength From Inside (Spoken Word with Elena Brower) We're learning to release the achievements The possessions, the perfection To immerse ourselves in the present The nectar of introspection, real connection We're learning to give nature of the space to teach us her finest lessons yet We cannot cling to think's any longer We cannot rush forward and think that's conquering We cannot stay rigidly fixed in our ways It's our time now to trust, respect and conjure our finest love And is waking us up What is love? Love is when you allow yourself to feel and release To health and be free of any fear in your holding a moment ago Love is when you welcome the energy of kindness and acceptance To prevail over the diminishing shapes of your most compelling resistance Love is when you invite yourself to reconnect to your community And to be wrapped up in our unbridled unconditional acceptance of you Love is what's emerging in this time of inexplicable reckoning Love is seen deeply to the pain inside And finding our hearts hurling toward the next freedom The next unified cry for peace Love is this healing And it's precisely what you were born to bring Take one deep breath May these words interpret our silents pleas To recall our presence in this larger vast family Our fallible earnest beautiful species This is when we uncover our strengths and our unity Take one deep breath with me