[00:05.379] Out of the night that covers me透过覆盖我的夜色 [00:06.900] Black as the pit from pole to pole我看见黑暗层层叠叠 [00:09.737] I thank whatever gods may be我感谢上天赐予我 [00:11.882] For my unconquerable soul不可征服的灵魂 [00:14.344] In the fell clutch of circumstance就算被地狱紧紧拽住 [00:16.850] I have not winced nor cried aloud我也从未退避哀求 [00:19.093] Under the bludgeonings of chance遭受命运的重重打击 [00:21.381] My head is bloody but unbowed我满头鲜血,却头颅高昂 [00:24.374] Beyond this place of wrath and tears在愤怒和悲伤的尘世外 [00:26.856] Looms but the Horror of the shade耸立的不过是恐怖的影子 [00:29.158] And yet the menace of the years面对未来的威胁 [00:30.609] Finds and shall find me unafraid我无所畏惧 [00:34.899] It matters not how strait the gate无论命运之门多么狭窄 [00:36.885] How charged with punishments the scroll无论承受怎样的惩罚 [00:40.005] I am the master of my fate我是我命运的主宰 [00:43.132] I am the captain of my soul我是我灵魂的统帅 [01:32.483] I am the master of my fate我是我命运的主宰 [02:10.108] I am the captain of my soul我是我灵魂的统帅