Top Of The World QUASIMODO Can see everything from up here. City gates. River Seine. ESMERALDA Yes. It sparkles in the light. I'm glad I can get see things down there. Gazing down from the top of the world Suddenly seeing a different city Things look tiny and friendly and fair Seen from the top of the world When you look from high above Everything seems pretty Seeing life from the top of the world Nothing needs fighting and no one needs pity Thanks for giving this moment to me When just for a moment things stop Here at the top of the world STATUES & GARGOYLES For all these years You've stayed alone And free from danger We shared your fears It wasn't safe to trust a stranger But maybe we were wrong here Could she belong here? This girl appears And she is kind And we're admitting We'd give three cheers To see you both forever sitting Look at you sitting On top of the world... ESMERALDA Seeing life from the top of the world Nothing needs fighting and no one needs pity Thanks for giving this moment to me When just for a moment things stop Here at the top of the world ESMERALDA & STATUES & GARGOYLES Here at top of the world STATUES & GARGOYLES Quasimodo, say something Take our advice Be brave and say something Please don't think twice Quasimodo, say some- QUASIMODO Esmeralda... ESMERALDA Yes? QUASIMODO I...I...It's nice The two of us sitting... ESMERALDA The two of us sitting... STATUES & GARGOYLES The two of you sitting... ALL Sitting on top of the world!