Post-Apocalypse (Feat.Weian Lee From Duskystar And Jerichoranger From Nower) As the galaxy filament of the corrupted Laodicea collapsed The distress of the martyrs standing beneath the altar was finally answered When the clusters overwatched by the oracle capsized and turned into streams between the spectral lines of Armageddon The scars of Symmetry echoed still The wrecks of the galaxy engulfing each other Quantum's tunnelling disciplining constants and the zero-point of Apocalypse Futile photons trembling in the infinite scale attempted to escape from being ripped by the time-space and dark-matter The dusk of eternity inundating the debris of the stars The great white throne burning out the endless entropy Quantum's tunnelling disciplining constants and the zero-point of Apocalypse The cry of stars which made twelve dimensions ring The vibration of strings which constructed the book of life Returned to eternal deathly stillness Returned to speechless eschatology