Watch Me Sink 作曲 : Flynn, Have Heart a breaking in spirit, a breaking in promise, a breaking in me how can i find the peace inside me, in a world i can see.... thats taking and taking all for ourselves, taking and taking and its dragging me down, deeper and deeper watch me sink like a stone in a sea of selfishness, where me is more and you is less the vanity, it becomes insanity. we eat the *******t that's fed to us. we stomach it, and we embellish it, and we confuse our love with lust. cant we find another way? the way that goes against the grain. Abstain, The Grain. abstain, abstain, abstain, abstain THE GRAIN the ugliness, licentiousness, the love that is just skin deep PLEASE GET ME OUT before i become just a memory of what i used to be GET ME THE ******* OUT we're deaf and blind to a age's cry we refuse to ******* hear. not learning to grow, just losing the one i used to see in the ******* mirror the egoists, the narcissists the shallow waters wade in PLEASE GET ME OUT before i become just a memory of what i used to be GET ME THE ******* OUT "of a world thats doing its best, night and day, to make me everybody else" -e.e. *******s please take me out... of a world without any heart take me out when they see my hope and rip it apart take me out of a world we built to serve our selfish-*******-selves, can you tell me where does love fit in? remember what love is?