[00:00.000] 作词 : 程胤赫 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 程胤赫 [00:15.822]Head Against The Wall 提头撞墙 [00:26.097]I got solid to my east 东边是固体 [00:27.852]and liquid to my west 西边是液体 [00:29.105]Sometimes I got them mixed up 有时候我会把它们混在一起 [00:30.358]like the mashes in my head 就像我脑袋里这团稀泥 [00:31.862]Up north is where I hang my hopes 北上挂着念想 [00:33.115]as unknown flying object 当作不明飞行物体 [00:34.369]Down south a plastic garden 南下是座塑料花园 [00:35.623]where I bury up my train wreck 埋着祸不单行 [00:37.127]A perfect little system 一个完美的小系统 [00:38.379]A glamorous little prison 一个华丽的小监狱 [00:39.633]I feed myself with man-made fruits 每天我都喂自己 [00:40.887]regardless of their season 吃反季节的人造水果 [00:42.393]An input with white lies 输入自带谎言 [00:43.646]An output that’s in disguise 输出自带伪装 [00:45.152]I treat myself alright inside this unintelligent blight 在这个无知的荒芜里我对自己还挺不赖 [00:47.659]So I panicked 所以我恐慌了 [00:49.665]when ecstasy was coming 当狂喜来临时 [00:52.964]The sheer amount of feelings 巨量的感受 [00:54.217]are like rocket to the ceiling 就像火箭冲着天花板 [00:55.721]I knew I had to kill it before fuels started leaking 我必须在燃料耗尽前把它熄掉 [00:58.226]There were poison 有毒 [01:00.483]in hopeful expectations 期待里有毒 [01:03.742]The same amount as it’s in every face of disappointment 同样的剂量在每一张失望的脸上 [01:06.499]But never seen on those who don’t believe in self contentment 但在不相信自我满足的人身上却找不到 [01:10.760]All of your pains 你所有的痛苦 [01:12.514]and all of your pleasures 和所有的愉悦 [01:16.524]Will be equal after all 最终都会相等 [01:20.785]When every road 当每一条路 [01:23.291]feels like a detour 都感觉像在绕路 [01:27.048]Just to make it simple 干脆就简单一点 [01:30.308]I’d bang my head against the wall 我愿意提头撞墙 [01:35.068]In hope of feeling a snippet of joy 希望能图一丝开心 [01:40.832]I’d bang my head against the wall 我愿意提头撞墙 [01:45.848]In hope of feeling a snippet of 希望能图一丝 [01:51.113]joy 开心 [02:02.648]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [02:05.155]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [02:07.913]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [02:10.419]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [02:13.180]Let’s cut to the core 来直切内核 [02:14.434]Go straight to rewards 直奔奖励而去 [02:15.687]The circuit is a serpent coiling inside your drawer 这条回路是盘蜷在你抽屉的毒蛇 [02:17.943]Too much a trouble to unravel 要解开太麻烦 [02:19.699]and life’s too short 而人生太短 [02:20.702]So people magnified their pupils 所以人们放大了瞳孔 [02:22.206]and burst through the door 破门而入 [02:23.710]But I believe in balance 但我相信平衡 [02:25.465]What goes around comes around 种因得果 [02:26.718]They can’t escape that yin and yang 终究逃不脱阴和阳 [02:28.723]And it’s lavish 而且多么大方 [02:30.977]How our brains bake cakes for those self-inflicted pains 自我伤害还能吃到大脑奖励的蛋糕 [02:33.987]I found a way 我找到了办法 [02:35.240]to enforce it 来强制执行 [02:36.995]To grab on the handle of holy endorphins 来抓住神圣内啡肽的门把手 [02:39.502]It’s pouring 它会倾盆而下 [02:41.641]when crisis and stresses were torn and wide open 当灾祸和担忧被割破敞开 [02:45.151]The water tastes like heaven when I’m standing in a drought 深处干旱之中水会尝起来像天堂 [02:47.658]For that I’d put a razor blade directly in my mouth 为此我愿意空口吞刀片 [02:50.415]The sharper side that always slices me from inside out 不停将我切得伤痕累累的锋利面 [02:52.922]Is the other side of joy that I could never live without 其实是我不可或缺之享受的另一面 [02:57.180]All of your pains 你所有的痛苦 [02:59.184]and all of your pleasures 和所有的愉悦 [03:03.199]Will be equal after all 最终都会相等 [03:07.459]When every road 当每一条路 [03:09.715]feels like a detour 都感觉像在绕路 [03:13.727]Just to make it simple 干脆就简单一点 [03:16.986]I’d bang my head against the wall 我愿意提头撞墙 [03:21.748]In hope of feeling a snippet of joy 希望能图一丝开心 [03:27.511]I’d bang my head against the wall 我愿意提头撞墙 [03:32.523]In hope of feeling a snippet of 希望能图一丝 [03:37.786]joy 开心 [03:49.314]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [03:51.820]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [03:54.576]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [03:57.082]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [03:59.839]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [04:02.596]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [04:04.600]In hope of feeling a snippet of 希望能图一丝 [04:09.864]joy 开心 [04:10.615]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [04:13.123]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [04:15.128]In hope of feeling a snippet of 希望能图一丝 [04:20.546]joy 开心 [04:21.299]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [04:23.805]Bang my head against the wall 提头撞墙 [04:25.811]In hope of feeling a snippet of 希望能图一丝 [04:31.326]joy 开心