作词 : Coldplay 作曲 : Coldplay 作曲 : Jonny Buckland/Chris Martin/Guy Berryman/Will Champion Been rusting in the rubble 在废墟中慢慢被风化锈蚀 Running to a faint 慢慢模糊了意识 Need a brand new coat of paint 需要再添一层新漆再复光华往日 Found myself in trouble 发觉自己深陷困扰 Thinking about what ain't 终日思考着 Never gonna be a saint 凡人何以难成圣人的果报 Saying float like an eagle 如雄鹰在天际翱翱 Fall like the rain 如雨滴落入大地怀抱 Pouring in to put out the pain 慢慢渗入抚平苦痛困扰 Oh again and again 周而复始 一次一次 Now I'm hyp, hypnotised 我似慢慢进入催眠状态 Yeah I trip, when I look in your eyes 当我凝视你的双眼 不禁神游开来 Oh I'm hyp, hypnotised 我似慢慢进入催眠状态 Yeah I slip and I'm mesmerized 脚步轻快 入迷到醒不过来 It's easy to be lethal 向往死去最是容易 I'm learning from the news 这是我从那些新闻中获取的道理 It's a guidebook for the blues 那些新闻是最佳致郁的典籍 Saying it's the very same steeple 恰在这同样的教堂尖顶下 People want to chose 人们渴望握有选择的余地 They just see it from different views 从不同视角窥视命运 And threading the needle 引线穿针 Fixing my flame 欲弥补重现昔日热情 Oh now I'm moved to exclaim 于是我便被迫着尖叫欢呼 Oh again, and again 一遍一遍 片刻不停 Now I'm hyp, hypnotised 我似慢慢进入催眠状态 Yeah I trip, when I look in your eyes 当我凝视你的双眼 不禁神游开来 Oh I'm hyp, hypnotised 我似慢慢进入催眠状态 Yeah I lift and I'm mesmerized 脚步轻快 入迷到醒不过来 Oh again, and again 周而复始 停不下来 Now I'm hyp, hypnotised 我似慢慢进入催眠状态 Yeah I lift to a permanent high 慢慢持续亢奋 停不下来 Oh I'm hyp, hypnotised 我似慢慢进入催眠状态 It was dark 那曾经的无边黑暗 Now it's sunrise 如今已见朝阳晕开