Still Here musing through memories losing my grip in the grey numbing the senses I feel you slipping away fighting to hold on clinging to just one more day love turns to ashes with all that I wish could say``` I'd die to be where you are I tried to be where you are every night,I dream you're still here the ghost by my side,so perfect so clear when I awake,you disappear back to the shadows with all I hold dear``` with all I hold dear``` I dream you're still here I dream you're still here hidden companion phantom be still in my heart make me a promise that time won't erase us that we were not lost from the start I'd die to be where you are I tried to be where you are every night,I dream you still here the ghost by my side,so perfect so clear when I awake,you disappear back to the shadows with all I hold dear``` with all I hold dear``` I dream you're still here I dream you're still here every slightly out of reach I dream you're still here but it breaks so easily I try to protect you I can't let you fade But I feel you slipping I feel you slipping away every night,I dream you still here the ghost by my side,so perfect so clear when I awake,you disappear back to the shadows with all I hold dear``` with all I hold dear``` I dream you're still here I dream you're still here I dream you're still here every slightly out of reach I dream you're still here but it breaks so easily