作曲 : 祖堅正慶 Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Lord of all the land! (Kupo!) 支配全大陆!库啵! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Rules with iron hand! 铁腕统治术! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Leads the brave and true! 指引真理和勇武! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Now come along and meet his trusty crew! 忠臣们速速集结于吾处! Kupo! 库啵! Kupta Kapa will clip your tuft 库普塔·咔帕会剃掉你的毛 Split your hairs and ruffle your fluff 弄乱你的头然后修成秃瓢 Kupdi Koop will throw you for a loop 库普迪·库普让你直打转 Brave a wall of whiskers to find his troupe 高墙般的胡子就是他的马戏团 Kupli Kipp is sly yet sweet 库普洛·奇普偷着咯咯笑 He’ll tickle your nose then tickle your feet 他挠了你的鼻子还痒痒你的脚 Jolly Kogi’s eye for fun is clear 库普括·叩吉转着小眼珠 He’ll put an arrow straight in your rear! 他随时准备用箭射你小屁股 Pukla Puki plays with fire 普库啦·普奇喜欢玩火炎 Poms a-burning on her pyre 它砰的一声就炸到你面前 Puksi Piko likes her buddies big 普库嘻·皮叩喜欢与大个为伍 To sing a little song and dance a little jig 她哼着小曲就跳起了舞 Pukna Pako shivers and shakes 普库呐·帕叩瑟瑟发着抖 She’ll stick you in the gut and give you bellyaches 她戳你肚子让你止不住地抽 And who’s behind them, standing tall? 那站在后面的最大个头 Why, the biggest moogle of them all! 简直莫古力中第一高大威猛! Who!? Who!? 是谁!?还能是谁!! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Kind and noble lord (hear! hear!) 仁慈高贵的主!就在这! Nod your noggle nog and mind your gob 低下你的头来管住你的嘴 Or he’ll put you to the sword! 不然把你的头砍飞! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 His judgment you will dread! 他的审判令你怵! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 What do you decree? “您有何吩咐?” What do you decree? “您有何吩咐?” What do you decree? “您有何吩咐?” Off with their heads! “把它们头给我砍了!” 【库啵祈祷中】 Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Lord of all the land! (Kupo!) 支配全大陆!库啵! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Rules with iron hand! 铁腕统治术! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Leads the brave and true! 指引真理和勇武! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog 贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古 Now come along and meet his trusty crew! 忠臣们速速集结于吾处! Kupo! 库啵!