Burning Bridges Sayonara Adios, auf wiedersehen, farewell, Adieu, good night, guten abend, Here's one last song you can sell Lets call it burning bridges It's a sing along as well Ciao, adieu, good nacht, guten abend Play it for your friends in hell Someone shut the lights off Turn the page The stories I could write I've seen a million faces And I've lived a couple lives Here's our history for all to see The smiles and all the scars First the rising then the falling Call this chapter shooting stars That must sound good from where you are Sayonara Adios, auf wiedersehen, farewell, Adieu, good night, guten abend, Here's one last song you can sell Let's call it burning bridges It's a sing along as well Ciao, adieu, good nacht, guten abend Play it for your friends in hell Check the box Mark this day There's nothing more to say After 30 years of loyalty They let you dig the grave Now maybe you could learn to sing Or even strum along I'll give you half the publishing You're why I wrote this song Everybody sing along Sayonara Adios, auf wiedersehen, farewell, Adieu, good night, guten abend, Here's one last song you can sell Lets call it burning bridges It's a sing along as well Hope my money and my masters Buy a front row seat in hell Ciao, adieu, good nacht, guten abend Play this for your friends in st. tropez