Say it 作词 : lilandy 作曲 : lilandy Lil Andy: My life goes on 在每个划过笔尖的韵脚 stand by hold on every chance 抓紧每个诀窍 在押韵的学校 lost my mind 但学到 finding 更高超的技巧 为更高 去寻找 冒险 是为了得到更多pay back Step up boy No doubt 你我都明白这困难 不在于much more mula If your dream in your head 靠你双手一样可以得到respect 别想着如何才能前进 你该保持坚定相信公平去相信 将信将疑会让你的思维变得僵硬 在 仿徨每个抉择猜测可能性的过程中把前功尽弃 Your life and dream The real choice is so important The song for all real fighters still keep balling man 再多的困难 一样全力跨越 试着察觉发现 your tour is chilling Boys and girls Show your AMBITION and never back down I know the time is yours So u can not stop running now Let hater know who is the king now I say she say you say he say Go get it No looking back to bring ur soul out Let the people who is the king now I say she says you say he says I drop the 2 big shots One is called《Grownman》 The other is 《R.F.T.D》 对我来说Only starting the game 我开始Rap For my city big up Now making my own crew BloodWolves raise up 在习惯的夜里 一个人的歇斯底里 在没冷气的夏日里 房间里 我下笔 写下的每行墨迹 每首歌都有目的性 A young kid 妄想着有天成为real king 把所有的沉淀 阶段性呈现 真的没时间 时间是money 不能用来talk sxxt Flow 它需要保鲜 如何保险 超越自己是最大的消遣 I am a player 一个人在孤独的赛道 是刮风是下雨都和自己赛跑 我在太多人眼里脑袋是坏掉 fans hater peace fade out Boys and girls Show your ambition And never back down I know the time is yours So u can not stop running now Let hater know who is the king now I say she say you say he say Go get it No looking back to bring ur soul out Whatever everybody treat u Speak it Keep your voice loud Let the people who is the king now I say she say you say he say BG: 异乡的孩子站在路口彷徨 无助的看着来往人群碰撞他的肩膀 心中的希望和梦想像蔚蓝天空一样 在没褪色之前 趁着年轻去闯 希望有一天 能够将这世界改变 不像同龄的孩子一样在烟酒糜烂中沦陷 他慰藉 最初的立场一直没变 他知道不反抗就会被这世界改变 你知道弹簧 压得越紧弹的越强 所以别灰心 蓄势待发等待释放 我知道还有很多战士正和我们一样 在黑暗中等待黎明之后的希望 都想赢不想输 It's do or die 你也看到BG的脚步开始越来越快 Gotta go put in it's overtime 人生不是一场游戏可以one more time Lil Andy: boys and girls Show your AMBITION and never back down I know the time is yours So u can not stop running now Let hater know who is the king now I say she say you say he say Go get it No looking back to bring ur soul out Whatever everybody treat u Speak it Keep your voice loud Let the people who is the king now I say she say you say he say