作词 : 泰坦尼克台词 作曲 : Saul [00:01]You ever …You ever been to Wisconsin? 那你去过威斯康辛吗? [00:05]What?什么? [00:07]They have some ofthe coldest winters around.I grewup there,nearChippewaFalls那个地方的冬天非常冷, 我在那儿长大 ,在齐佩瓦瀑布附近. [00:12]I remember,when I wasakid, me and my father…we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota. 我记得小的时候,我和父亲去结冰的威苏塔湖冰上钓鱼 [00:18]Ice fishing is,you know,where you… 冰上钓鱼就是.. [00:20]Iknow WhatIce fishing is. 我知道那是怎么一回事 [00:23]Sorry.You just seem like, youknow,kind of an indoor girl.对不起,你看起来像是不常到户外的那种女孩. [00:31].Anyway,I…I fell throughsome thin ice.总之,我在某处冰薄的地方掉进了水里. [00:34]And I'mtelling you,water that cold,like right down there我想让你知道…那么冷的水..估计和这下面的一样 [00:41]it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over yourbody. 会让你痛得像被刀刮似得 [00:46]You can't breathe.Youcan't think, least,not aboutanything butthe pain.你不能呼吸,也不能思考,至少,无法思考疼痛以外的事情.. [00:56]Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you. Like I said…I don'thave a choice.所以我并不希望跟着你一起跳下去,但我已经说了,我别无选择. [01:08]I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll come back over the rail…and get meoffthe hook here. 我想我还是希望你从栏杆上跨回来…好让我解脱 [01:14]Jack,this isimpossible. Ican't seeyou. 这是行不通的,我不能见你. [01:18]I need totalk toyou. 我有话对你说 [01:20]No,Jack.No.不能这样的 [01:22]Jack,I'mengaged.我已经订婚了 [01:25]I'm marrying Cal.I love Cal我要嫁给cal,我爱他 [01:32]Rose,you're nopicnic,all right? You're a spoiled little brat,even. Rose,你很任性,甚至有点娇生惯养 [01:39] under that, you're the most amazingly…astounding, wonderful girl…Woman that I'veever knownand…但是除此之外,你是我见过的最脱俗,最好的女人 [01:47]Jack,I jack,我.. [01:49]No,let me try to get this out.You're…I'm notan idiot. Iknow how the world works.不,让我说完.很多东西其实我懂的 [01:55]I've got $10 in my pocket.I have nothing to offer you and I know that. I understan比如我兜里只有10块钱,我什么也不能给你,我知道这一点,我都明白. [02:04]But I'm tooinvolved now但是我已经上头了 [02:06]You jump, Ijump, remember? I can't turn away with out knowing you'll be all right. That'sall that I want. 你跳我也跳,还记得吗?你幸福我才能离开,我别无所求 [02:14]Well, I'm fine. I'll be fine. Really我很好,我会很好的,真的 [02:20]Really? I don't think so.真的?但我不这么觉得 [02:26].They have got you trapped,Rose.And you're gonna die if youdon't break free.他们把你困住了,Rose.如果你无法摆脱那你就只有死 [02:30]Maybe not right away,because you'restrong…也许不是马上,因为你很坚强 [02:33]…but sooner or later,that fire that I love about you但是迟早我爱的这个你啊 [02:36]Rose…that fire'sgonna burnout. 会把自己的热情消耗殆尽的 [02:41]I don't know about you…but I intend to write a strongly-worded letter…to the White Star Line about all this我想写一封投诉信..给白星航运公司 [02:58]Ilove you,Jack. 杰克,我爱你 [03:05]Don'tyoudo that. 别,别这样 [03:08]Don'tyousay yourgood byes.Not yet.Do youunderstandme? 不要道别,还不可以,你懂吗? [03:15]I'm so cold. 可是好冷 [03:17],Rose.you'regonnaget outof here. rose,你会安然无恙的 [03:22]You're gonnago on…and you'regonna make lots ofbabies. 会活下来,生好多宝宝的 [03:28]And you'regonna watchthem grow. 你还会看着他们长大 [03:32]You're gonnadie an old lady,warm in herbed. 你会长寿,死在温暖的床上 [03:38]Nothere. Notthis night. Notlike this.Doyou understandme? 但不是这里,不是今晚,你懂吗? [03:46]Ican't feelmybody. 我似乎没有知觉了 [03:48]Winning thatticket wasthe bestthing thatever happened tome. 赢那张船票是我这一生最幸运的事 [03:54]It brought me to you能认识你,是我最大的幸运. [03:56].And I'mthankful forthat,Rose. 我对这样的幸运心怀感激 [04:04]Youmust…do methis honor 我还有一个愿望你必须答应我 [04:12].You mustpromise methat you'll survive你要像我保证你会活下去 [04:16]Thatyou won'tgive up… nomatter whathappens你一定不要放弃,不管发生什么 [04:23]No matterhowhopeless.不管有多么的绝望 [04:30].Promiseme now,Rose.And neverlet goofthat promise. 你必须保证,永远也不要忘记 [04:38]Ipromise. 我保证 [04:41]Never let go.一定要活下去 [04:45]I'll never let go,Jack.I'll neverlet go. 我会的,我一定会活下去,一定会的 [04:53]jack [04:59]jack [05:04]jack.. [05:07]jack!有船来了,jac! [05:22]jack.. [05:28]jack.,jack 有人来救我们了 [06:03]come back.回来啊 [06:07]come back!你回来啊! [06:11]come back! [06:13]come back.. [06:16]come back [06:17]come back...come back... [06:32]I'll neverlet go.i promise. 我永远都不会放弃,我保证.