5. 英靈 Magnificent Spirit 作词 : 未濟 作曲 : 未濟 ISRC: FR-10S-19-34292 羌爲族 嬴爲姓 秦爲號 國當立 The race is Qiang. The surname is Ying. The title is Qin. The empire is to be established. 顓頊之苗裔 伯益之子嗣 承惡來之力 繼飛廉之疾 Descendants of Zhuan Xu, offspring of Bo Yi. inherited the strength of E Lai, succeeded the swiftness of Fei Lian. 孝公圖治 衛鞅變法 昔之羌戎 今之秦公 Xiao Gong desired accomplishments while Wei Yang reformed the laws. The barbarian in the past became the emperor of Qin at last. 重農抑商 論功行賞 虎狼東望 百獸西朝 Promoting agriculture while depressing commerce, rewarding the contributing according to their deeds, tigers and wolves overlooked the east and all creatures bowed to the west. 安得年壽萬載 以立功名千秋 留希冀與方士 託魂夢與蓬萊 How to obtain immortal life, in order to establish achievements lasting thousands of years? Passed the hope to the alchemist, left the dream in Peng Lai. 顓頊之苗裔 伯益之子嗣 承惡來之力 繼飛廉之疾 Descendants of Zhuan Xu, offspring of Bo Yi. Inherited the strength of E Lai, succeeded the swiftness of Fei Lian. 祖龍強弩 盪掃六合 力拔山棱 氣噬河川 The power of the crossbow belonging to the initial dragon swept away the six countries, eradicating the ridges, engulfing the streams. 北伐匈奴 南征百越 盤踞東極 威震寰宇 Crusaded against the Huns in the north, conquered hundreds of countries in the south. entrenching himself at the peak of the east, he overwhelmed the universe with his majesty. 安得年壽萬載 以立功名千秋 留希冀與方士 託魂夢與蓬萊 How to obtain immortal life, in order to establish achievements lasting thousands of years? Passed the hope to the alchemist, left the dream in Peng Lai. 顓頊之苗裔 伯益之子嗣 承惡來之力 繼飛廉之疾 Descendants of Zhuan Xu, offspring of Bo Yi. Inherited the strength of E Lai, succeeded the swiftness of Fei Lian. 心之所向 一往無前 後有襲人 天下布武 Where the heart belongs, has not yet been discovered. Is there a successor, it will shape the world with its force. 陣容 Cast 編曲: 人聲:多舛之木 吉他:多舛之木、斌 主奏吉他:多舛之木 貝斯:多舛之木 鼓:多舛之木 古箏:多舛之木 特效:多舛之木 Composing: Vocal: JWP Guitar: JWP Lead Guitar: JWP Bass: JWP Drum: JWP Zheng: JWP FX: JWP 作詞:多舛之木 翻譯:多舛之木 Lyrics: JWP Translation: JWP 錄製: 人聲:多舛之木 合聲:多舛之木 吉他:多舛之木 主奏吉他:多舛之木 貝斯:貓 VST樂器:多舛之木 Record: Vocal: JWP Background Vocal: JWP Guitar: JWP Lead Guitar: JWP Bass: Cat VST Instrument: JWP 軌道編輯:李力 混音:李力 母帶:李力 監製:多舛之木 Track Editing: Nye Mixing: Nye Mastering: Nye Executive Producer: JWP