8. 喪我 Altru 作词 : 未濟 作曲 : 未濟 ISRC: FR-10S-19-34297 壹渠絕望廢水 This is a desperate gutter filled with waste water. 腐臭不變永恒 It stinks and will stink permanently. 扔吧破銅爛鐵 Just throw the metal scraps into it. 潑吧剩菜殘羹 Just pour the orts and leftovers into it. 銅器綠成翡翠 Bronze is greened into jadeite. 鐵罐銹出桃花 Peach blossoms rust out of the iron ladle. 油膩織成羅綺 Grease is weaved into fancy clothes. 黴菌蒸出雲霞 Rosy clouds are steamed out of the mycete. 死泉酵成陳釀 Aqua of death is fermented into liquor, 飄滿珍珠白沫 on which the pearls float. 笑聲變成大夢 Laughs become bubbles of dream, 又被賊蚊咬破 and once more they are poked by the thief-like mosquitos. 壹片無望汙沼 A marsh where no boundary can be seen, 仍有幾分鮮明 seems to possess still some vitality. 青蛙不耐寂寞 The frogs whose voices echo in the vastness, 歌鳴亦帶空靈 will never endure loneliness. 壹方荒蕪黃土 This is a desolated place based on loess, 這裏沒有正邪 where there exists neither justice nor evilness. 未若以惡開墾 Why not reclaim it by violence 看他造個世界 and let us see how it creates a world? (改自聞一多《死水》) Overwritten from the poetry “Dead Water”written by Yiduo Wen 陣容 Cast 編曲: 人聲:多舛之木 吉他:多舛之木 貝斯:多舛之木 鼓:多舛之木 古箏:多舛之木 弦樂:多舛之木 特效:多舛之木 Composing: Vocal: JWP Guitar: JWP Bass: JWP Drum: JWP Zheng: JWP String: JWP FX: JWP 作詞:多舛之木、聞一多 翻譯:多舛之木 Lyrics: JWP Translation: JWP 錄製: 人聲:多舛之木 合聲:多舛之木 吉他:多舛之木 貝斯:貓 VST樂器:多舛之木 Record: Vocal: JWP Background Vocal: JWP Guitar: JWP Bass: Cat VST Instrument: JWP 軌道編輯:李力 混音:李力 母帶:李力 監製:多舛之木 Track Editing: Nye Mixing: Nye Mastering: Nye Executive Producer: JWP