4. 我執 (會. 高亮)Ego (feat. Liang) 作词 : 未濟 作曲 : 未濟 ISRC: FR-10S-19-34291 戰爭論 犯罪 暴力 的 美學 戰爭論 犯罪 暴力 的 美學 The aesthetics of war theory, crime and violence. The aesthetics of war theory, crime and violence. 一元論 禮拜 聖潔 的 哲學 一元論 禮拜 聖潔 的 哲學 The philosophy of monism, worship and purity. The philosophy of monism, worship and purity. 還原論 秩序 控制 的 科學 還原論 秩序 控制 的 科學 The science of reductionism, law and manipulation. The science of reductionism, law and manipulation. 不一樣的理論 不一樣的理論 同一樣的瘋癲 同一樣的瘋癲 Different hypotheses, same madness. Different hypotheses, same madness. 皆為我執 不過妄念 信口雌黃 巧舌百辯 All is ego. All is illusion. Speak in arbitrariness. Debate with sophistry. 謬誤千章 群死守 亦成正當 Classics with thousands of errors defended by the crowd with their lives can also be the truth. 諫言一句 群死拒 反為無稽 One expostulation rejected by the crowd with their lives can be nonsense as well. 千顱萬骨枯 Efflorescent skulls and bones. 異端為瘋魔 Insane and evil heresies. 此外皆岐信 Orthodoxy or unorthodoxy. 夫善也 Is that justice? 千顱萬骨枯 Efflorescent skulls and bones. 異端為瘋魔 Insane and evil heresies. 此外皆岐信 Orthodoxy or unorthodoxy. 夫恶也 Is that evilness? 陣容 Cast 編曲: 人聲:多舛之木 吉他:多舛之木 古典吉他:斌 主奏吉他:高亮 貝斯:多舛之木 鼓:多舛之木 古箏:多舛之木 管弦樂:多舛之木 電子樂:多舛之木 特效:多舛之木 Composing: Vocal: JWP Guitar: JWP Classical Guitar: Mr. Rose Lead Guitar: Liang (Liang Gao) Bass: JWP Drum: JWP Zheng: JWP Brass & String: JWP Electro: JWP FX: JWP 作詞:多舛之木 翻譯:多舛之木 Lyrics: JWP Translation: JWP 錄製: 人聲:多舛之木 合聲:多舛之木 吉他:多舛之木 主奏吉他:高亮 古典吉他:斌 貝斯:貓 VST樂器:多舛之木 Record: Vocal: JWP Background Vocal: JWP Guitar: JWP Lead Guitar: Liang (Liang Gao) Classical Guitar: Mr. Rose Bass: Cat VST Instrument: JWP 軌道編輯:李力 混音:李力 母帶:李力 監製:多舛之木 Track Editing: Nye Mixing: Nye Mastering: Nye Executive Producer: JWP