2. 奔流 (會. 伍凌楓) Galloping Stream (feat. Flin) 作词 : 未濟 作曲 : 未濟 ISRC: FR-10S-19-34288 我說 I say, 我要像那條河 I am to be that river. 即便留戀 絕不停留 Even if I indulge in pleasures, I will not stop moving forward. 經過那雪山 流過那峽谷 Passing through snow peeks, running through valleys, 去夢想不到的隱秘 I will reach mysteries that have not been dreamt of. 不駐足悲歎 Never halt for lament 不盲目頌唱 Never eulogize blindly 不拒絕讚揚 Never refuse compliment. 不明示立場 Never set forth position. 我說 I say, 我要像那條河 I am to be that river. 即便留戀 絕不停留 Even if I indulge in pleasures, I will not stop moving forward. 經過那雪山 流過那峽谷 Passing through the snow peaks, running through valleys, 去夢想不到的隱秘 I will reach mysteries that have not been dreamt of. 我說 I say, 我要像那條河 I am to be that river. 即便留戀 絕不停留 Even if I indulge in pleasures, I will not stop moving forward. 經過那雪山 流過那峽谷 Passing through the snow peaks, running through valleys, 去找說不出的無垠 I will find the vastness that cannot be described. 哪裡有陷落 Where there is subsidence, 那裡就有我 there will be my presence. 哪裡有虛無 Where there is nihility, 那裡就有我 there will be my attendance. 如果遇上了攔壩 If I come across a dam, 我是破堤的高湖 I will become the dyke-breaching lake. 如果前方是懸崖 If there is a cliff ahead, 我是探路的瀑布 I will become the path-finding waterfall. 甦醒于淨化之地 Awakened in the land of purification, 投身于壯大濁途 dedicated to the glorious turbid journey, 用身體填埋深淵 filling the abyss with my body, 征伐黑暗的根源 conquering the origin of darkness, 在沒有海的年代 in the era when ocean did not exist, 我是時代的先知 I was the prophet of time. 我是大河 I am the great river. 我是奔流 I am the galloping stream. 歌詞刪改自《大河》-李璧麟 Lyrics are overwritten from the original poetry “Great River” written by Bilin Li. 陣容 Cast 編曲: 人聲:多舛之木 吉他:多舛之木 古典吉他:斌 主奏吉他:伍凌楓 貝斯:多舛之木 鼓:多舛之木 管弦樂:多舛之木 特效:多舛之木 Composing: Vocal: JWP Guitar: JWP Classical Guitar: Mr. Rose Lead Guitar: Flin (Lingfeng Wu) Bass: JWP Drum: JWP Brass & String: JWP FX: JWP 作詞:多舛之木、李璧麟 翻譯:多舛之木 Lyrics: JWP, Bilin Li Translation: JWP 錄製: 人聲:多舛之木 合聲:多舛之木 吉他:多舛之木 主奏吉他:伍凌楓 古典吉他:斌 貝斯:貓 VST樂器:多舛之木 Record: Vocal: JWP Background Vocal: JWP Guitar: JWP Lead Guitar: Flin (Lingfeng Wu) Classical Guitar: Mr. Rose Bass: Cat VST Instrument: JWP 軌道編輯:李力 混音:李力 母帶:李力 監製:多舛之木 Track Editing: Nye Mixing: Nye Mastering: Nye Executive Producer: JWP