0. 無我 Egoless 作词 : 未濟 作曲 : 未濟 ISRC: FR-10S-19-34286 人間兮五十年! The persistence of mortal life is just about fifty years. 比之兮于化天,如夢幻之易渺。 Compared to Parinirmitavaśavartin, it is no more than a fragile dream. 放眼海天,倏忽享此浮生者兮,焉有橫亙不減? Take a grand view at the horizon. Is there anyone who has ever owned this fleeting lifetime able to become immortal eventually? 非欲識此菩提種,生滅逐流豈由心? Never intend to make acquaintance with the Bohdi. Are living, dying, chasing and fleeing decided by heart in reality? 陣容 Cast 編曲: 電子樂:斌、多舛之木 Composing: Electro: Mr. Rose, JWP 作詞:多舛之木、織田信長 翻譯:多舛之木 Lyrics: JWP, Nobunaga Oda Translation: JWP 錄製: VST樂器:斌、多舛之木 Record: VST Instrument: Mr. Rose, JWP 軌道編輯:李力 混音:李力 母帶:李力 監製:多舛之木 Track Editing: Nye Mixing: Nye Mastering: Nye Executive Producer: JWP