家风代代传 作词 : 周广兵 作曲 : 陈晓满 家风代代传 The family tradition is handed down for generations 作词:兵子 作曲:陈晓满 演唱:田永玲 翻译:王飞 MV:聂堂明 出品:中国v光 说唱: 一把戒尺七寸长 A ferule is seven cuns long 老一代的道理天天讲 The truth of the old generation has been talked every day 慈爱的家风子孙旺 The family trait of kindness leads family’s prosperity 和谐的中国正气扬 Harmonious China carries forward inspiring righteousness 门前大路上 千年古牌坊 On the road in front of the door, there are millennial memorial archways 仁爱门内走 诚信立世上 Living in the domestic with kindheartedness, in the world with sincerity 德敬老祠堂 孝悌挂中央 In the old ancestral hall we are keen advocates of morality, filial piety and fraternity 忠厚传家久 慈爱永流芳 Loyalty goes down in history, kindness continues to echo down in the centuries 窗外绿树下 道义站两旁 Justice is there, like the trees standing out of your window 礼尚多往来 友善得众望 People associate with each other by courtesy, Friendly ones are esteemed by others 睦邻老街坊 夫妻共担当 Living together peacefully with neighbors, and sharing the responsibility as husband and wife 齐力百业兴 俯仰乾坤广 Each field is prosperous by working hard, and integrity leads us to broad vista 一把戒尺七寸长 A ferule is seven cuns long 宽厚有度贵谦让 Being kindness with a bottom line, and cherishing humility 节俭修得勤安身 Frugal and diligence govern the life 和谐便在方圆藏 Harmonious atmosphere is around people 一把戒尺放心上 Principle is engraved in mind all the time 上下廉耻当自强 People with shame can succeed in self-improvement 淳朴家风育子孙 Simple family trait is handed down for generations 武定天下文兴邦 Military force protects national security, while civilization enables the culture to flourish 注:1 cun is a measure of length. 1 cun is about 33.33 centimeters.