作词 : Jelly Lion 作曲 : Remix if it's all over I put down my pack if it's all over I'm no reconciled if it's all over I will take care of myself if it's all over I'll hit again I'll hit again V1 Make me stronger 感谢他们为我担心 一直逃避问题 没有一面镜子能把我照得彻底 不再想未来路路荆棘 无助让我更加清醒 抓住每次机会用汗水实践 像个战士身轻如燕 (Hook) Remember to fetter Forever and ever I need some love but I need you more(2) turn on the lights Let me not fall turn on the lights go catch money (still more) turn on the lights let my family not fall turn on the lights let my homie not fall V2 当吹来狂风 才发现我不堪的脆弱 当美梦惊醒 才发现我一直活在梦中 now i'm down babe can you save me can you save me can you save me can you save me 这阵狂风席卷了多少风景 想找个借口逃离先飞走 没有homie以后低谷怎么过 没有family受伤以后去哪躲 This world is funny 回到过去该向谁悔过 i say sorry God bless me 教会我分清是非对错 (Hook) V3 我要向前走 这路不能回头 谁改变我的模样 hiphop就是凶手 我走过森林 穿过溪流 当回到森林 这里阳光依旧 我还有很多麻烦事没处理 又自为颓废不甘现实平庸 且拖泥带水忘记初衷忘了当初为何冲 当从天空坠落掉入深渊 曾怀揣的宝石不再耀眼 young man未知的梦该怎么追 当满身伤痕叫我如何去飞 I'll be stronger You know I can do it I'm all right I'm fine i'm fine I told the world one day I would fly go fly I told the world one day I would fly flying high (Hook) 感谢收听 Trick boyz-Jelly Lion