Can You Dig It? (Rap) 作词 : 无 作曲 : Jo3kee I say the future is ours. 我说未来是我们的。 Let's go! 来吧! … It's one and only from serious. 对,我们是认真的。 But they ain't hearing it. 但是他们听不进去。 Homie get it here and fix. 伙计们,来把他们搞定。 With serious like pyramid. 搞得我有点抑郁了,像金字塔一样。 I'm predicted hiphop experiment Frankenstein. 老子是嘻哈界的科学怪人。 I'm to choose Nick Fury in it. 是尼克弗瑞探长一般的存在。 They cause the way like security 他们把这事儿搞得像安保一样 (get off the way…) (走开走开。。。) But see I'm hard **** Mercury. Watch me sneak in the game stealing Bloody Mary. 但是老子可是像墨丘利一样快。快看我溜进游戏里偷一杯血腥玛丽。 Or no body burg me. 没有人可以阻挡我。 Like room of blind people meet can't see. 就好像我可以轻易在一群瞎子面前为所欲为。 So far a headphone in lightspeed. 我带着耳机光速飞行。 Enlighten me. Sun likely. 照耀我,像太阳一样。 I got five enough line-up enlightening. 我有一连串的亮点。 I tie like the Taiji tie High Minister. 就像太极高手那样。 I carry on the stage like frigidity. 我在舞台上有时表现得像个性冷淡。 Now we gonna laugh at you…laugh at you 现在我们可以笑话你了。。。笑话你。 Stay high check in altitude. 我们在高海拔的地方。 Go shake the door shake out of you. 去瞧你们得门然后把你们扔出去。 Give things gratitude. 要学会感激。 ALIGADO. 谢谢! May the kitchen on gratitude cooking up. 希望感激能真的带来些货真价实的东西。 Gain fxxked bullet how it do me. 具有冲击力的东西。 Gonna keep it moving. 能够持续得影响你。 Push it. Life like a movie. 推进。生活像一场电影。 Action. Quiet on second. 行动。下一秒很安静。 You still ain't like me. 你还是不会喜欢我。 Watch me enlighten them. 但是看我来闪耀他们。 Hold on a second. 等一下哦。 Let me light the sun. 让我来点燃太阳。 Now watch me light it up. 我来把他点亮。 We all need enlighten them up. 我们都需要把他们点燃。 Watch me enlighten it. 看我闪耀他们。 Hold on a second. 等一下。 Let me light the sun. 让我来点燃太阳。 Now watch me light it up. 我来把他点亮。 We all need enlighten them up. 我们都需要把他们点燃。 Feel them like enlightenment, cutting sucks spider web. 让他们感受到照耀,把一切束缚切断。 Lead other new era that I shall in. 我们引领新的纪元。 That's me. 那就是我。 For revolute those people how religious did. 改变那些人们就像宗教所作的事情一样。 Democrat and republicans. 民主和共和。 We witness keep speaking on truth their hero. 我们有幸见证伟大英雄的传说。 They say the movement are community. 他们说这一刻大家联合起来。 They meant to see like a nuclear. A-ha. 他们将会见到一个和核武器一样的东西。啊哈。 The three pieces the suited me. 全服武装的我。 The suit is tight that I just do with me. 装备很紧我得自己来。 Naturally. 慢慢地 But things just kicking ****. 但似乎事情在变得越来越糟糕。 We all need enlighten them up. 我们都需要把他们点燃。 Watch me enlighten it. 但是看我来闪耀他们。 Hold on a second. 等一下啊。 Let me light the sun. 让我来点亮太阳。 Now watch me light it up. 我来把他点亮。 We all need enlighten them up. 我们都需要把他们点燃。 We all need enlighten them up. 我们都需要把他们点燃。 Watch me enlighten it. 但是看我来闪耀他们。 Hold on a second. 等一下哦。 Let me light the sun. 让我来点亮太阳。 Now watch me light it up. 我来把他点亮。 We all need enlighten them up. 我们都需要把他们点燃。 They enlighten me. 他们闪耀我了。 Are you enlightened? 你感受到光芒了么? Can you dig it? (x3) 你挖到了吗?(x3) Yeah! 是的!