[00:00.000] 作词 : T.K./2Trap19 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Duane Nettlesbey+Tupac Shakur [00:02.939]原曲:God Bless The Dead(来自已故西海岸之王Tupac) [00:04.937]作词:LC$Sucker&Track G [00:07.188]混音:NO LIT [00:12.192]LC$Sucker: [00:12.192]要想学会生存就先学会装个狼人, [00:14.188]开始跑步之前先把自己脚跟站稳, [00:16.197]年少谁还没有怀揣憧憬还有理想, [00:18.939]但这物欲横流的世界扭曲了你的思想, [00:21.448]god 啊 我放不下我内心包袱, [00:23.944]头脑早已被这流言蜚语包住, [00:26.194]不知道往哪里看的视线, [00:28.292]不起眼的话语却能成为插进反派头上的大招。 [00:31.542]一个人的沉默就像是啊啊流出的blood, [00:33.540]褒贬不一的评价只有坏的我能听见, [00:36.546]被当做垫脚石的养料, [00:37.791]孤独是我的癖好, [00:39.043]内心的挣扎就是我对这个世界的咆哮。 [00:41.297]去别的peace还有love, [00:43.294]盖伦就是自己给我自己加的buff。 [00:45.790]我要爱上了所有的og借此上位, [00:48.540]却被评价就像是山里的土味。 [00:51.049]这到底到底发生了什么让我如此不堪狼狈暗流涌动的团队让我难以防备我要给我预定一个极度抑郁的床位我会放弃这疲惫的生活如果再给我个机会 [01:00.904]S&T: [01:01.403]No peace no love [01:02.901]No peace no love [01:05.654]No peace no love [01:08.404]No peace no love [01:11.146]No peace no love [01:13.654]No peace no love [01:15.905]What the 我爱你 is going on [01:18.401]What the 我爱你 is going on [01:20.897]What the 我爱你 is going on [01:23.405]What the 我爱你 is going on [01:25.901]What the 我爱你 is going on [01:28.156]What the 我爱你 is going on [01:29.896]Track G: [01:36.155]everybody wanted 喜欢 me [01:38.152]我花三年时间站在这里是个奇迹 [01:40.902]我曾 有过poor [01:42.401]现在 不是trouble [01:43.898]我爱你当初说好我爱你keep real [01:45.896]lam real hate 那些hater [01:48.149]全是胆小鬼 我把满腔怒火化为力量过来打游戏 [01:50.899]what the我爱你is going on [01:53.153]除我以外都是wrong [01:54.651]不是我在变 [01:55.150]是这个圈子在变 [01:56.148]man u crazy 始终打游戏娘炮 [01:57.902]听了就想吐的情歌还找队友开黑 [02:00.654]never afraid big mir on Tg [02:02.905]one to E 我现在给你透露消息 [02:05.401]你们所有好听都没 [02:07.156]我一句歌词质量高 [02:08.397]享受oversizes感觉对你从来不礼貌 [02:10.405]英雄不问出处我永远七大姑八大姨来自街头 [02:11.903]艾克所有人就算错我也不会投球 [02:13.901]S&T: [02:16.409]No peace no love [02:18.153]No peace no love [02:20.403]No peace no love [02:22.898]No peace no love [02:25.153]No peace no love [02:28.148]No peace no love [02:30.656]What the 我爱你 is going on [02:32.653]What the 我爱你 is going on [02:35.150]What the 我爱你 is going on [02:37.400]What the 我爱你 is going on [02:39.908]What the 我爱你 is going on [02:42.404]What the 我爱你 is going on