FINALLY JADE-Finally Eva Xue 爱 忘了你痛 让一切重来 有我 爱多痛快 Finally you came into my life Finally it was just the matter of time Finally lifes been good to me 缤纷五彩 像童话时代 所有魅力释放趁现在 每次心跳 心跳等待 陪伴寂寞午夜的浪漫 我用力的甩 思想 整个世界在旋转 看灯光 在闪亮 在闪亮 在闪亮 在闪亮 Finally you came into my life Finally it was just the matter of time Finally life been good to me 放肆的笑 拒绝缠绵 只有沉醉的呼吸 索性摇摆 抛弃等待 不要王子再等水晶鞋 我用力的猜 是谁 让我的世界旋转 看眼前 在闪亮 在闪亮 在闪亮 在闪亮 Finally you came into my life Finally it was just the matter of time Finally life been good to me 就转一圈一圈 就转一圈一圈 这样一圈一圈的转 Finally you came into my life Finally it was just the matter of time Finally life been good to me Finally you came into my life Finally it was just the matter of time Finally life been good to me Finally