[00:00.000] 作词 : Favours! [00:01.000] 作曲 : Favours! [00:08.00]I want to ask [00:08.00]you all to consider for a second 我希望大家能花点时间考虑 [00:10.67]the very simlpe fact 一个非常简单的事实 [00:12.38]that,by far 那就是,到目前为止 [00:13.40]most of what we know about the universe comes to us from light 我们对宇宙的大部分了解都是通过“光”而来。 [00:18.44]we can stand on the earth an look up at the night sky 我们站在地球上仰望夜空 [00:22.02]and see stars with our bare eyes 仅凭肉眼就能看见星星 [00:24.53]The sun burns our peripheral vision 太阳照亮我们的视野边界 [00:26.83]we see light reflected off the moon 因为光的反射我们看得见月亮 [00:29.40]And in the time since Galileo pointed that rudimentary telescope at the celestrial bodies 自从伽利略将他那原始的望远镜瞄准宇宙的天体时, [00:36.24]the known universe has come to us through light 我们所了解的宇宙终于穿过了浩瀚的历史, [00:39.29]across vast eras in cosmic history 通过“光”呈现在了我们的眼前。 [00:43.00]And with all of our modern telescopes 在现代的望远镜的帮助下 [00:45.46]we could able to collect this stunning silent movie of the universe 我们已经能够搜集炫目无声的宇宙影像了 [00:50.27]this sort of series of snapshots that go all the way back to the big bang 这一系列影像可以一直追溯到大爆炸。 [00:56.06]And yet,the universe is not a silent movie 当然,宇宙不是一部无声的电影, [00:58.73]because the universe isn't silent 因为宇宙并非一片死寂。 [01:00.79]i'd like to convience you that the universe has a soundtrack 我想告诉大家的是宇宙其实是一个乐师, [01:04.49]and that soundtrack is played on space itself 为自己制作专属自己的配乐并不停播放着。 [01:08.45]because space can wobble like a drum 因为太空会像鼓一样震动, [01:12.10]it can ring out a kind of recording throughout the univesrse 所以它会像唱片一样会发出声音,传遍整个宇宙 [01:16.85]of sone of the most dramatic events as the unfold 当某些重大事情发生时。 [01:19.95]So in this ambition to capture songs from the universe 所以针对捕获宇宙声音这个远大的目标 [01:24.31]we turned our focus to black holes and the promise they have 我们将我们的重点放在黑洞以及它所表现出的前景上。 [01:28.79]because black hoels can bang on space -time like nallets on a drum,and have a very characteristic song 因为黑洞能像鼓槌撞击鼓皮一样,发出极具特色的声音 [01:35.65]which i'd like to play for you----some of our predictious for what that song will be like 我也非常高兴给你们播放一些我我们预测的声音。 [01:41.22] [04:23.00]Now black holes are dark against a dark sky,we can't see them directly 黑洞比宇宙更暗,在漆黑的宇宙中是无法被我们直接看见的 [04:29.00]they're not brought to us with light,at least not directly 我们是无法通过“光”直接看到它们的 [04:31.72]We can see them indirectly because balck holes wreak havoc on their environment 我们可以间接的看到它们时因为黑洞能够扭曲它们周围的事物 [04:35.80]they destroy stars around them,they churn debris in their surroundings 诸如摧毁附近的恒星,将方圆以内的碎片剧烈搅拌等 [04:39.55]But they won't come to us directly through light 但总之它们不会通过光的呈现在我们眼前 [04:42.00]we might one day see a shadow, a black hole can cast on a very bright background.but we havent yet 有一天或许我们能看到它的影子,那也是当黑洞遇上一个非常明亮的背景时就有可能,至少现在还没有过。 [04:48.92]And yet black holes may be heard , even if they're not seen 但是黑洞是可以听得见的,即使我们看不见 [04:52.84]and that's because they bang on space-time like a drum 因为它们像鼓槌一样撞击着时空。 [04:57.63] 对白听译:热热 时间校对:尿裤侠